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Below is a complete list of both the published and unpublished writings of the BSC staff. To recieve any of these works please contact the BSC directly via mail, fax or email. We look forward to hearing from you.

A.R. Pastakia

  • Reclamation of Saline Wasteland in the Bhal Area of Cambay Taluka, Kheda, Gujarat, Mimeographed note, 1987.
  • Promoting Prosopis Juliflora in Saline Lands in Proceedings of National Workshop on Planning Forestry Extension Programme - India, IIMA/FAD-RWEDP, Bangkok, 1988.
  • Development of Common Property Resource Lands -- A Case Study of Social Forestry Cooperatives of Bhal, Prepared for CRS Annual Report, 1989.
  • Promoting Tree Growers' Cooperatives in the Bhal -- The Experience of the Behavioural Science Centre, National Technology Mission for Wastelands, New Delhi, 1990

    Fr. Franco

  • A Note on the Structural Nature of Technology and its Implications for Appropriate Technology, Paper presented at a meeting on Appropriate Technology, Vadodara, 1988
  • Social Impact of Food for Work: A Study of Six Tribal Villages in M.P., for CRS, Bombay, Dec.1988
  • Following Jesus in Poverty, The Practice of Love, Gregory D'Costa et al, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, p.p. 161-201, 1991
  • The Structural Nature of Poverty in India, Poverty in India: Challenges & Responses, J.Murickan S. J. (ed.), Xavier Board of Higher Education, Trivandrum, p.p. 37-85, 1986
  • Marx's Dual Approach to the Theory of Value in Marx's a Classical Political Economist, ICSSR, Western Regional Centre, Bombay, 1983
  • The Transformation Problem in Production, Prices & Distribution, by G.C. da Costa, Tata-Mc-Graw-Hill Publishing, New Delhi, p.p. 269-76, 1980
  • The Aftermath of Seton's Contribution in Production, Prices & Distribution by G.C. da Costa, Tata-Mc-Graw-Hill Publishing, New Delhi, p.p. 269-76, 1980 and in Value and Distribution in Neoclassical and Classical Systems, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, p.p. 345-50, 1992
  • Mathematical Representation of Sraffa's System in Production, Prices, and Distribution by G.C. da Costa, Tata-Mc-Graw-Hill Publishing, New Delhi, p.p. 365-77 and in Value and Distribution in Neoclassical and Classical Systems, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, p.p. 382-90.

  • Sraffa's Treatment of Wages in Production, Prices & Distribution, by G.C. da Costa, Tata-Mc-Graw-Hill Publishing, New Delhi, p.p. 269-76.

  • Appropriate Technology and Development in The International Jesuit Convention on Appropriate Technology: A Report, St. Xavier=s Social Service Society, Ahmedabad, 1988

  • Ramanathan, Suguna, The Recovery of Religious Meaning, Textual Practice, 5,2, p.p. 183-94, 1991

  • Franco, Fernando et al. Empowerment through Entitlement, A Programme in Non Formal Education, CEBEMO-DGIS, The Hague, 1992

  • Ramanathan, Suguna, Universality and Identity, The Way, Jan. 1994, p.p. 17-27, 1994

    Franco & P. G. Vijaya Sherry Chand

  • Operation Flood and the Voluntary Sector: A Study of Tribal Dairy Cooperatives in South Gujarat, ISI, New Delhi, 1991.

    Franco & Sarvar V. Sherry Chand

  • Ideology as Social Practice: The Functioning of Varna, Economic & Political Weekly, p.p. 2601-2612, Nov. 25, 1989

    Franco, Vijay Parmar

  • Dalit Organizations: Reconstituting Reality, in The Emerging Dalit Identity: The Re-Assertion of the Subalterns, ISI, New Delhi, 1995

    M. Heredero

  • Motivation Courses for College Students, Indian Educational Review, NCERT, Delhi, July 1971.

  • Motivating Rural Development, Christian Education, Council of Christian Education of the Methodist Church in Southern Asia, Delhi, Vol.L11, September 1973.

  • Development of Leadership Among Students, New Frontiers in Education, All India Association for Christian Higher Education, Delhi, Vol.III, No.3, December 1973.

  • Rural Development through Personal Growth: An Experiment in Motivation, Social Action, Indian Social Institute, Vol.25, No.4, Oct.- Dec. 1975.

  • Rural Development and Social Change: An Experiment in Non- Formal Education, Manohar, Delhi, 1977.

  • Agricultural Entrepreneurship, Identification and Selection of Small Scale Entrepreneurship, T.V.Rao and T.K.Moulik (eds.), IIM, Ahmedabad, 1979.

  • Milk Cooperatives and Tribal Poverty, Social Action, p.p. 285-307, July- Sept. 1983

  • Education for Development: Social Awareness, Organisation and Technological Innovation, Manohar, Delhi, 1989.

  • Training for Achievement Motivation and Leadership, JEA, Delhi.

  • Training Rural Leadership: An Experiment with SCs in Gujarat, The Politics of Change and Leadership Development, Alfred De Souza (ed.), Manohar, New Delhi, pp.257-276.

  • Caste and Christianity, Navajuni,

  • Persis Ginwalla, Suguna Ramanathan

  • Dalit Women as Receivers and Modifiers of Discourse, in The Emerging Dalit Identity: The Re-Assertion of the Subalterns, ISI, New Delhi, 1995

    G. Vijaya Sherry Chand

  • Development & Self-reliance: The Bhal Co-operative Programme, Asian Workshop: From Assistance to Partnership in Self Reliance, Richard W. Timm et al (eds), Misereor, Germany, 1993

    Sarvar V. Sherry Chand

  • Relationships, The Practice of Love, Gregory D'Costa et al, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, p.p. 107-160, 1991

    Unpublished Papers:
  • Caste System as an Ideology by J. H. Heredero
  • Preliminary Analysis of Caste and Class by Colleen Flory & F. Franco
  • Definition of Practice by F. Franco
  • Understanding Poverty by F. Franco
  • Understanding Social Discrimination by F. Franco
  • Struggle for Power by F. Franco
  • Culture & Society by F. Franco
  • and Gender by Sarvar Sherry Chand & Manisha Thakker
  • Gender as an Oppressive Structure of Meaning by Sarvar Sherry Chand
  • Oppressive Structures & the Formation of Persons by Sarvar Sherry Chand
  • Economic Aspects of the Exploitation of Women by Persis Ginwalla
  • Processes in Organizations by Jimmy Dabhi
  • Empowerment of Women Through Organizational Power by Jimmy Dabhi
  • Empowerment of People B A Process by Jimmy Dabhi
  • Leadership in NotBforBProfit Organizations by Jimmy Dabhi
  • Key Factors Which Lead To The Establishment Of New NGOs by Jimmy Dabhi

    Translated into Gujarati

  • Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by Paulo Freire, translated by Tridip Suhrud.
  • Intimate Enemy by Ashis Nandy, translated by Tridip Suhrud.

    Output of the Research Project (1994-
  • Women's Self-image: Issues & Perspectives, 1994-'95
  • Structures and Spaces: Women's Self Perceptions, 1995-96
  • Silken Swing : The Vankar, Bhangi & Koli Patel Women of Bhal, Stree, Calcutta, a forthcoming publication

    Publications and Papers by James C. Dabhi s.j.

    1. ‘Empowerment of women through organisational power: An alternative Development Paradigm’, Annual report of BSC, 1997.
    2. ‘Empowerment of women through organisational power: An alternative Development Paradigm, Paper presented at Pune, India, 1997 in a seminar on Alternative Development Paradigms, organised by West Zone Jesuits in Social Action, India.
    3. ‘Education: An option for Change’ A paper co-authored presented at the Workshop for Principals and Teachers of selected minority-managed schools of Banaskantha District of Gujarat, India, at Mt. Abu, India, 1999.
    4. ‘A Social Context of Development’ A paper presented for a Perspective Plan of Ahmedabad Dioceses on October 14, 1999.
    5. ‘Human Process in Organisations’ an article written in the Annual Report of BSC, 1996.
    6. ‘Empowerment of People – A process’ an article written in the Annual Report of BSC, 1998.
    7. ‘Empowerment – A process’ an article published in an NGO magazine (in Gujarati, local language) ‘Vichar’, Year 3, No.4, October – December 1998.
    8. ‘Empowerment of people - a process, HRD challenge in 21st century’ an article published in Pareek U., and Sisodia V., (Eds.), ‘HRD in the New Millennium’, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1999.