The Hanson Family

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Hanson consists of a family of nine people. They family members include Diana and Walker, Clarke Isaac (17), Jordan Taylor (14), Zachary Walker (12), Jessica Grace (9), Avery Laurel (7), Joshua Mackenzie (4), Zoe (two months). Don't sue me if this is wrong but I heard Jessi's b-day is July 31st. and Aveie's is March 27th. Mackie was either born January or Febuary 4th. Zoe's birthday on January14.

Walker is a oil contractor and his job has taken him and his family to Trinadad, Venezuala, and Equador. Diana stays home and home schools all the kids.

Diana and Walker were High School sweethearts and were in a Gospel group called the Horizons. The boys first learned to sing "Amen." They are very religious and their faith is very important to them. The three younger kids according to Isaac are a "Artsy group" Ike, Tay, and Zac took piano lessons before they learned to play any other instruments. Ike, Tay, and Zac say the door is wide open for their younger sibs to be in the band but think they are going to do their own thing.

They family lived in Venezuala, Trinadad, and Equador in '90-'91 and there they started listening to 50's and 60's rocking roll. They listened to the Time Life tapes that you can order from T.V. specials. They all carry journals. Ike, Tay, and Zac signed with Mecury for a 6 record deal so they have done 2 so they have to do 4 more with them. YAY!!! They got their manager Chris Sabec by going up to him and going, "Excuse me sir may we play for you." They were in a restaurant and he then asked where are your parents I need to talk to them quick. Hanson was rejected by over 14 record companies. Till Danny Goldberg of Mercury signed them.

The boys when they were younger made songs up about anything. Ike's first song was when he was in 3rd grade and it was called Rain Falling Down. They even made up songs about their little brothers and sisters. Funny Bunny is about Jessi, Baby Avie is about Avery, and Mackey Baby is about Mackenzie. Jessi doesn't get when girls scream at her bros she goes girls are wierd.

Clarke Isaac Hanson

D.O.B.:11/17/80 (that makes him 17!).

Height: 5'11"ish (this is an estimate don't sue me if it is wrong)

Weight:about 130 lbs. (this was in like June of '97 and I hope he is bigger now)

Instrument: acustic and electric guitar, piano, vocal

Lead in: Madeline, Little Saint Nick, At Christmas,Run Rudolph Run

Color toothbrush: Navy Blue (Can someone please tell me where they found that out)

Born: Tulsa, OK

Hair color: Dirty blond

Eye color: borwn

Special feature: transparent color braces

Astrology sign: Scorpio-privat, leader, creative, intense

Favorite sport: Street Hockey, Rollerblading

Fav. drink: Dr. Pepper

Fav. food: chunky peanut butter(yuck)

Fav. subject: Science

Isaac is the goofy one in the group, but can be the mature, buisness like one of the group sometimes too. I think of him in between Tay and Zac. He is single, but thinks about having a relationship a lot and is a dreamy, romantic one of the group,too. He has neer broken a bone, but has sprained an ankle before. He once got in trouble because after a concert his parents told him not to hold hands with this one girl and he still did. (There is hope girls) Ike can do impersonattions of Beavis and Butthead, Kermit the Frog, and Bullwinkle. When he was little Tay poured glue on Ike's head and he had to shave it off. LOL! Tay is his best friend. He also thinks "brunetters" are cool (Thank you Lord!!!!!) He has been writing a Science Fiction novel for over 2 years now.

Jordan Taylor Hanson

Born: Tulsa, OK

D.O.B.: 3/14/83

Hair color: blond

Eye color: baby blue

Astrology sign: Pieces-sensitive, physical, healer

Favorite sport: soccer, b-ball, rollerblading

Color of toothbrush: aquamarine (okay who the heck wants to know that)

Height: 5'8" ish

Weight: I heard a while ago like 115 but I'm sure he is more now or I hope he is at least

Instrument: keyboard, bongos, tambourine, synthesiser, wurlitzer, volcals

Lead in: Thinking of you, MMMBop, Weird, Speechless, Where's the Love, Yearbook, Look at You, I Will Come to You, Madeline, With You in Your Dreams, Man from Milwaukee(it was supposed to be Zac's though), Merry Christmas Baby, Christmas(Baby please come home), Everbody know the Clause, Cried

Fav. food: heinz ketchup (not straight from the bottle though),mom's homemade brownies, lasagna, hamburgers with all the works, McDonalds

Fav. drink: Old mug root beer, and bottled water

Fav. subject: Literature Worst subject: Math (yay mine too) Taylor is known as the quiet and shy one but can be very energetic and silly like his other bros. He does get embarrased of Zac he says. He broke his arm a couple of years ago from falling off his bike, and still has the cast to see how much his arm has grown (that's a pretty cool idea.) This is his quote on that experiance. "I was going down this huge hill to the house which my parents where going to buy. I saw them coming and I braked. I flew over the handlebars and lay in the road while my parents rushed over and picked my up. I looked at my arm and it had just snapped."(Isn't that sooo sad.) Tay has ruined a letter that Ike had written. it was to a friend who was a girl and Tay put at the bottom "I want you desperatly." LOL!! That is soooo funny Tay. Tay says he doesn't have the time to have a girlfriend. Tay LOVES jelly beans especially butter popcorn and strawberry cheesecake from Jelly belly. Taylor wears a retainer, too. Taylor has a scar on his left side of his face (I can't even see it personally) from running into a door when he was little and a scar on his back from rollerblading and a scar on his leg from soccer.

Zachary Walker Hanson

D.O.B.:8/22/85 (he is 12 now)

Born in: Arlington, Virginia

Instrument: drums, and casstanettes (the little shaky things)

Lead in: Lucy, Man from Milwaukee (you can't hear him that well because of Tay), What Christmas Means to Me, Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, In the Silent Night Melody the Come all ye Faithful part

Color toothbrush: flourecsent green (Where do people get this stuff from?!)

Fav. food: (don't know guys e-mail me please if ya know)

Fav. drink: (sorry don't know e-mail me if you know please)

Height: 5'3"ish

Weight:I heard 96-98 lbs.

Astroligical sign: Libra-peacemaker, seeks balance and justice

Fav. subject: Math (yuck)

Fav. actor: Arnold Swarzenagtor (I HAVE NO FREAKING CLUE HOW TO SPELL IT!)

Fav. movie: "Any action flick"

Hidden talent: burp while talking Zac is by far the wackiest and silliest of the trio. He loves to get attention and will often goof off durring interviews. But like in some parts of Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle of Nowhere he can talk rather intellegintly though. He and Tay have both said that he acts wacky because he is shy. Zac has broken a nose before when they were little they were shooting rocks off the see-saw and Tay jumped on the see-saw and the rocks on the other end flew and hit Zac in the nose."There was blood everywhere."-Zac. Zac doesn't want a girlfriend because they see us one minute of the year (good enough for us!) He calls us girls the "scream squad". He often likes to say "you love me, you really, really love me." Known to be very hyper and a donut thrower at talk show hosts (lol)

Jessi Hanson

Full name:Jessica Grace Hanson


D.O.B.:July 31, 1988


Hair: Blond

Song: "Funny Bunny"

The guys asked her if she wanted to be in the band before making M.O.N. but she said no. She would have played bass they said. She is more into dance than music. She takes ballet lessons and is very good.

Avery Hanson

Full name:Avery Laurel Hanson

D.O.B.:Febuary 22, 1991


Hair:Blond (Am I noticing a pattern here peoples)


Song:Baby Avie

Avery quote: "If Avery joined the band she'd take over

Avery is more musical than Jessi. She could consider being in the band when older. She takes ballet, too. She is very, very, very hyper.

Mackie Hanson

Full name:Joshua Mackenzie Hanson

D.O.B.:April 18, 1994


Song:"I'll show you Mars"

Fav. book: Green Eggs and Ham

Mackie is very, very cute and in my oppion looks like a younger Zac. He loves to get attention always throwing temper tantrums in places and running around all over the place making the other Hanson fmaily members looking for him. He is just an average 4 year old, but the cutest one I've seen.

Zoe Hanson

Full name: Zoe Genieveve Hanson

D.O.B.:January 14, 1998

Time:8:19 P.M.

Weight: 7 lb. 6 oz.

Born at: St. John's Medical Center

Zoe was born a happy and healthy baby. Mom cut her hair just a tad before giving birth. Mom went in and out of the hospital rather quick like a pro(Well she's had pleanty of practice)
