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The Moon Child's Home Page

Hey everyone! Yippeee! Two things in one update! The image gallery is finally....OPEN!!!!! YAY!!!!! And chapter 8 is now......UP!!!!! Another YAY!!!!! Well, hope you like them! Oh, the image gallery page isn't much to look at yet, but someday it will be! And besides, it serves its purpose! Anyway, Enjoy! ~Rena

I'd like to dedicate my page to all my friends (You know who you are and the list would be too long to write out and besides, I'm lazy!). And Obsidian, thanx for helping me out!

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Guys, please check out my fanfics! I've started my second one now!!! Yay!!!

My Fanfic Headquarters!

Serena's Stat's Page! (See! I told you it was up!)

Well, here it is! My very own Image Gallery!!!!!

ThisThe Anime Fan Fiction Ring
site is owned bySerena Dwyer.

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My Favorite Links

Obsidian's Darkmoon Page
Kingdoms of the Star
A Sailor Moon Romance
