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When first I saw you never thought so much later

whatever I would become would be flavoured

by every part of me you are.

My reflection My thought My feelings My dreams

How different and incomplete without these years

of all that you have been

everything to me I have become.

I once could write you simple short poems

and be satisfied with short simple reasons

why we were merging shadows in evening sun-sets

waking passions each new dawn

they were nice we've gone beyond niceness

though yes!

of course niceness is embedded in all that we are.

Introductions are over

bowing curtsying?

I still do them in my mind sometimes.

We're entangled now pieces in the same puzzle

your sadness makes me sad

your laughter makes me laugh

your sighs make me sigh.

Soul mates? Cosmic Partners? Lucky Pals?

You have so become so much of me

I can not remember when I was me without you.

Now here we have your birthday once again

so lucky am I

to share it with you beyond

what any material gift could represent

every part of me so wrapped in you.

I can not find a high enough throne for you

find a high enough pedestal for you

high enough thought for you.

When you are loose when you are free when you can dance

what is there left for me but to observe



I am in the same space as you.

Wisdom, freedom, creativity

all that you are is just a spark of the best of me

so different than when we me when I was who I was

before I was a part of you.

I was drifting in fear of drowning waves far out to sea

placing bets which would swallow me first

collapsing worlds I had little future before

you became the future that raised me beyond

whatever I could have imagined

Now I look out at the galaxies universes space

it is empty meaningless with no rhyme less rhythm

all there is is being so tightly merged with you

to say I love you would that express? show? demonstrate?

I say it less now then I did in our first years together

Saturn shake his fist at us

"piss off Saturn

this is my girl you are fucking with"

No matter what No matter where No matter when

No matter matter sucks

when we go beyond matter beyond the physical beyond the so

called tests what is there left

but all my love I feel forever for you.

Happy Birthday Chris

my one and only girl friend today yesterday and in the

galaxies her after.






Children's Stories



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