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Welcome to MITComps96

MIGHTY MIGHTY MIT This page is dedicated to all Computer Engineers of MIT, Manipal Class of 96'.

We all joined in 1992 as first year students, with a little confusion,some apprehensions and with the hope that we would come out of this institution as Engineers. These four years of our lives have been the most memorable times. We all have something in common with these times, we have shared the transition of growing from a teen to an adult. Now, we have all adopted our ways, we are in different parts of the world, be it North America or South America, Europe, Australia or Japan and also all the big companies in India. Among all of us, we cover almost all kinds of computers platforms, languages & business areas, but we still have the MIT bond between us. This page has been created to keep that feeling alive in all of us always!! Here's a snap of some of us.
Go ahead and meet your friend's.... "

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