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Welcome to KLin's Gundam Wing page!

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Page Links!
Okay, so what part of my page do you want to see?
Welcome, Updates, GW song, Links to my very old Favwrit Places, Guestbook, KLin's Animated Gifs*NEW*
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to my Gundam Wing page, it is under slow construction etc. etc. but I like it and so should you. I'm currently dedicating it to my favorite japanese anime: Gundam Wing


I'm haven't updated my page in humm... two years, so its about time I did before I forget again. (Isn't it funny how popular Gundam Wing has become?) I changed the font of this page click here to download the new font so my page doesn't look funky.

I've decided to put up all the Gundam Wing animated gifs I have made in my life. My animated mouse cursors will be displayed once more... and maybe I'll even re-upload them. Plus there are two new gifs KLin made.

There is an file I want to put up first so here it is:

It is a Gundam Wing skin (Avilable only from me, if ya see it somewhere else tell me and I nuke the other site, kay? .\/.) for Winamp a nifty tool for listening to mpeg layer 3 files. I'll probably upload some Gundam Wing songs in MP3 as soon as I can upload it. Anyways, click here to get the latest version of Winamp, if you don't have it already and then download my skin. When unzipping, create a directory under the skins directory, under the winamp directory then unzip all the files into that directory. When you start Winamp, hit ALT-S and select my skin. Simple, huh?

Just Communication

"Just Communication" is the theme song of Gundam Wing, if you want to download the midi file I have embedded on my page, you can get it by right-clicking right
HERE and then click save as... its relatively small, so shouldn't take long to download.

If you want to hear "Just Communication" in midi format and you don't have a sound card, I can't help you. But if you need a internet midi-player you can get one from

"Just Communication" lyrics (english translation)

While being pounded by rain
I want to let you know the unfading hot feelings inside me

I held your damp shoulders to warm you
Your fingers tremble--what are they seeking?
In broken speech, tell me why you want this pain
You no longer seem so grown up, as your pretenses fade
I want to protect this image of you--
Believe that love will change sadness to strength

Don't be afraid of anything
Because no one's going to take away the shared feelings of now, our youth
While being pounded by rain
I want to let you know the unfading hot feelings inside me

Until the faraway dawn, I want to spend the night nestled close to you
We can lose everything else, as long as we don't lose gentleness
From words, through kisses, we feel each other's heartbeats
Drawing passion near, for an instant, for eternity...
Painfully, violently, I want to focus on this
In this tearful situation, only you are precious

Don't surrender anything
Because, if we both understand each other, we'll be able to fight as one
Don't let go of love
This overflowing, hot face will tell you its deepest secrets

* repeat


Lyrics: TWO MIX (Takayama Minami & Nagano Shiina)
Composer: TWO MIX
Arranger: TWO MIX
Singer: TWO MIX

My favorite Gundam Wing songs

  1. Last Impression
  2. Love is the Stars
  3. White Reflection
  4. Rhythm Emotion
  5. Just Communication

Favwrit Places

Links to some of my Favwrit(typo intended;) places

Okay okay, so Angelfire isn't really one of my favorite pages, but a guys webpage has gotta start some
Neon Genesis Evangelion Revelation is for all you Eva freaks out there ;)
Electronic Greeting Cards from Blue Mountain Arts are better than Hallmark and a good deal cheaper, in fact its free! Have you sent your friend an Ecard today?
Furcadia is a cool and cute multi-player game I play sometimes, if your 13 or over check it out by clicking here


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If you've got ideas, suggestions, comments, and especially Gundam Wing files, you can send them to me by clicking on my email address below:
