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i know, i know...all this needs updating. but for now here's the same old stuff, and some newer stuff as well:
okay. before, i had this kinda nasty message here...not nasty as in "oh that goes in there. then that goes in there. then that goes in there. then that goes in there. & then it's over" (as our pal Jarvis so eloquently puts it...), just nasty as in kinda hostile. you've got to excuse me for that...these things tend to be subject to whatever mood i'm in sometime between 2 and 6am when i decide i've just run out of other ways to procrastinate. here's to hoping i find a point to this page. so far...all it seems to be is a compilation of some of my favorite links. today's favorites at least. but i hope you'll check them out (except the last one. which you really can ignore). i mean, you made it here right? you must have a lot of time on your know? so you might as well look around. oh yeah! you should be appreciative of me taking down that...annoying animated gif thing there at the top. well, now we've got some cherished artwork by none other than Blur's Graham Coxon, king of the neo-nerds (according to Karen anyway). oh yes, before i forget. below is a (few) word(s) from our sponsor (of sorts), the Spaceman himself:

here are a few more bits and bobs you might wanna know. wow, since when did i become human wall of information? (human wall? nice try...)

in the can go here. and please do:

excellent Nick Drake page
Sounds and Visions of Tomorrow Today
Check out this Air video in Real Audio
Uncle Fester's Music Webzine
Pathetic Geek Stories.
quite extensive collection of blackmail pics...

Mad Richard
"music is my life and loved by me"

my counter's broken. i don't know why. so i've gotten rid of it. now we'll never know if anyone makes it here.
oh well.

This Spiritualized Ring site is owned by alice freda.

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