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Welcome to the Howell Family Tree

A Project by G.R.Howell

    Hello, My name is Gerald Ray Howell, I am the eleventh of twelve children. I have one daughter, and 60 to 80 nephews and nieces. I have 85 first cousins and 50 odd Aunts and Uncles. I have over a dozen great-nephews and great-nieces. So, you can see that this is going to be quite an undertaking. I would like to eventually represent everyone in the family by name if not by photo.

    If you would like to assist with this project in any way, please e-mail me.

What I hope to do is show each person on they're own page, with their favorite pictures or my only pictures, and a short summary. When you click on a persons' image, their page will come up. It will contain photos of their Parents and Children. Spouses will be represented on they're childrens page(s). This should work. And hopefully be passed on for generations. The net is the only place something like this might last and be continued by all descendants of the Howell's. My own daughter's children will not be Howell's but I hope they will be proud to claim Howell Blood in their genes.

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