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Roxy is a part of the biggest surfing scene in the world. Back when surfing wasn't as cool as it is today (in other words, before girls started surfing more) mostly guys were the wave shredders. Then a few years ago some cool chicks introduced their new line of surf gear for girls to Quiksilver International, the biggest surf/skate/snow supplier.

my ROXY tag from my new shirt!

Roxy was born soon after... Roxy was the first to bring about girl's boardshorts, which can be seen everywhere at the beaches today. Plus girl boards, rash guards, wetsuits, and even a new line of clothes geared towards the "surfer girl".

Roxy has struck a deal with DeLiA*s of NY to market some original outfits for the clothing company, so get your free catalog by e-mailing DeLiA*s! You can find Roxy clothes at Nordstroms, Macy*s, Boardrider's Club, Jack's Surf Shop (HuntingtonBeach), and Huntington Surf and Sport (in Newport Beach and Huntington).


SuRfEr LiNgO ~n~ wHaT It MeAnS...

Barrel~ the hollowed-out area inside a breaking wave

FaCe~ the front of a wave

Getting tubed~ surfing inside the barrel

Goofy-foot~ a surfer who puts her right foot forward on the board

Grommet~ a young surfer

Hang ten~ to grip the front of a long board with your toes hanging off

Hotdogging~ skillfully maneuvering the wave

The Lineup~ area in the ocean where the waves break

Kook~ someone who doesn't know how to surf

Pearl~ to nosedive off your board

Rip~ (1) current that pulls the water back out to sea (2) to surf

Shred~ to surf with great skill

Thruster~ a board with three fins

Wahine~ the Hawaiian word for "female surfer"

HoT SurF SPotS

Malibu Point, Malibu California Trestles, San Onofre, California Streamers Lane, Santa Cruz, California Sebastian Lane, Cocoa Beach, Flordia Ditch Plains, Montauk, New York Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Pipeline, Oahu, Hawaii The Wedge, Newport Beach, California

*HoPe YoU EnJoYeD It....MeReDiTh


BaCk~2~My PlAnEt*

Made By~ Meredith*
