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Just a toutch of Jellicle magic

Last Update: 12-26-01
Hi there,
Welcome to "Just a toutch of jellicle Magic. There are so many things to do!I'm still working on some things but be patient. If you have any art work, fan-fic, or a costume you would lke to share, anything! Just E-mail me! But pleas if you send me fan-fic or art, send it directly to my E-mail and don't give me a page to go to or someone to E-mail because I just don't have the time to cruise around the net. Thanks and enjoy!

CATchya on the flip side,
Rumpelteazer T. Cat

P.S. And there's nothin at all to be done about that! (Don't Mind the typos)

Wondering weather or not to see "Cats" Live? Come read the Synopsis & decide.

A place where you can show off your hard work if you've made a jellicle costume, or even just put on the make-up. Also a question and answer place. e-mail me questions you might have about the make-up or costume process, and I'll post them on this page!

The neatest game,I can't explain it,come see:)

Come see drawings, paintings and sketches of your favorite CATS characters! Even send in your own work. We currently have 2 artists taking requests. My cousin runs this part of my page but you can E-mail me for requests.

The answer to the eternal question.

Taken and made up characters for my RPG Board room.

Come on. You know you want to be a jellicle cat or pollicle dog. Here you can be exactly that.

Ever wondered what it's like to be backstage during a performance of "CATS"? Well come into my parlor.

Where you can find out about the "Bacstage" RPG's fictional characters. Don't understand? Check it out!
The place where the fan-fic you send me is placed. Only three story's now, but I encourage any jellicle authers to send me some more.

Showing you how to enhance your CATS video viewing experience.

What? They're links, what? What?

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This CATS Webring site owned by the known as Rumpelteazer.
If you are a fan of CATS, the musical, join the ring!
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