One Sweet Day


Nikki Johnson was a 12 year old girl who had what any teen-age girl wanted. She was best friends with Hanson. She was a short girl with brown hair and green eyes. She was a little on the chubby side but she was pretty. She lived with her mother in a fairly large house. The Hansons lived next door to her. Nikki was soon made aware that she would be getting new neighbors. The only thought that crossed her mind was ' Why do so many people want to move to Tulsa, Oklahoma.'

Lauren Strong was a 14 year old girl who had basically whatever she wanted. She had blond hair down to her shoulders, brown eyes that were hypnotic and a nice modle like body. She thought she had the perfect life, boys calling her all the time, a rich family, good grades and a loving mother and father. Everything in her life was going perfect until the week after school let out. Her father was leaving work early to attend her swim practice and he never made it. After she walked home, her and her mother were called and made aware that Chris Strong had been in a fatal car accident. Lauren and her mother decided to move closer to Chris's family, in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Chapter One
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