One Sweet Day

Chapter Twenty One

All Taylor could remember from that night was Lauren's sleeping body being hooked up to about 1,000 different machines and the doctor saying "Mrs. Strong, I'm sorry but we don't think Lauren is going to make it through the night."
"What?" was all her mother could spit out.
"She keeps saying that she needs to see her 'Tawwwwoooorrr' and since her speach is slurred I don't know what that is so we can't help her."
"Doctor? I'm Tawwwooorrr, she's saying Taylor." Taylor spoke up.
"Well son, I suggest you get in there."
Taylor scampered into the room and the rest of his memories were blurred.
"Taylor?" Lauren asked.
"Yea babe."
"I think, I think it's happening now."
"No Lauren, no!"
Lauren's eyes closed and they didn't oped till the next day.
Taylor tried to remember the rest of that night but he couldn't. Now it was morning, Lauren was still alive, but sleeping, so he decided to go see her.
Suddenly her eyes fluttered open.
"Hey Tay. I'm feeling so much better."
"Yea, I feel as good as new, but all I want to know is, what happened."
"Well, remember the coke at that party?" (*Coke-a-Cola, not the drug*)
"Well, they said that someone put something in it, and you drank it and got sick. It was supposed to kill you, but thank God it didn't or it would've killed me too."
"Tay, you're so sweet."
Just then the doctor walked in.
"Taylor, you'll have to excuse us for a moment, I need to check up on her."
"Ok." Taylor gave Lauren one of his heartmelting kisses and left the room.
"Well, Lauren." Mr. Sanders started.
"Yes doctor?"
"It seems as if we were wrong. We didn't think you'd make it, but it seems as if you are going to."
"Thank God!"
"Yea, you should thank God, cause it was a miricle."
"In all the other cases, we've had deaths, but not you, what stopped you?"
"Well, I was thinking of just letting go, but when I heard Taylor's voice or thought of him it made me think of what I had out here, so I tried to pull through."
"Well, we're proud. You should be out of here tomorrow night."
"Cool! Can I see Tay, and everyone else out there?"
"Sure, only two at a time though."
The first two sent in were Betty and Mackie. "Hi Warren." Mackie said, trying to say "Hi Lauren."
"Hi sweetie." She answered.
"Hey babe." Betty said.
"Hi mom. I guess your pretty pissed at me?"
"No, not yet. Right now, I'm only glad that you're ok. Once I get over that, I'll be pissed again."
They were in there for a few more minutes until the next two people came in. Nikki and Meridith. "Hey Lauren." Nikki said.
"Hey Lauren." Meridith followed.
"Hey guys."
They stayed quite a while till soon everyone had been in except for Taylor. Just then he walked in with his golden hair that used to be nice and combed behind his ears was all knotted and in his face. His eyes that were once bright blue now only seemed gray. He just looked miserable.
"Tay what's wrong?"
"Babe, I was just worried about you."
"Oh, well, I'll be Ok. Now I just hope you'll be OK."
"I'll be fine as long as you're fine."
"Thanks Tay. I'm fine, all except I'm exausted."
"Well go to sleep cause the sooner you go to sleep, the sooner you'll wake up and the sooner you'll get to go home and that's where I want you."
"Tay, I love you."
"I love you too."
Lauren closed her eyes and Tay put his head on her stomach and they soon fell asleep.

Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Nineteen
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