One Sweet Day

Chapter Three

"Lauren! Taylor! What are you doing?"
"Nikki!" Lauren and Taylor both yelled.
"God Lauren! You could have had any guy in Tulsa Oklahoma but you HAD to take Taylor!" She screamed as she ran into her room.
"Nikki, Nikki!" Taylor called as he walked into her room.
"Go away Taylor!"
"God Nikki! You told her we were going out!"
"Taylor! You told me you liked me!"
"Yea, I did, and I KIND OF still do, but I met her and now I like her. I'm sorry! I still wanna be friends."
"Well I'm afraid that's impossible. You are a back-stabbing asshole!"
"Fine! You're a bitch, and I hope we never speak again!!" He yelled as he ran out of her room. "Taylor. I'm sorry that I ruined your relationship with Nikki."
"Lauren, it's not your fault, don't ever think it's your fault. We just weren't meant to be together, that's all."
Later that night at around 12:30 Lauren and Taylor were curled up at one end of the couch sleeping, Isaac was on the phone with his girlfriend and Zac had conned Nikki into coming down and playing Nintendo.

Lauren's Dream:

"Taylor Hanson, do you take Lauren Strong to be your lawful wedded wife?"
"I do."
"Lauren Strong, do you take Taylor Hanson to be your lawful wedded husband?"
"I do."
Suddenly the doors burst open and Nikki ran in with a gun and shot both Lauren and Taylor in the head. Lauren could still hear Nikki laughing as she and Taylor slowly died on what was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives.

Lauren bolted up, dripping with sweat in Taylor's arms at 3:15. Her mother, the Hansons and Nikki's mother had obvioulsy let them all spend the night. Just before Lauren drifted off to sleep, Taylor's head shot up.

Chapter Four
Chapter Two
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