One Sweet Day

Chapter Sixteen

Lauren was awoken at 8:00 the next morning by her mother yelling in her ear. "Lauren wake up, come on, we gotta go." she mother whispered.
"Lauren! Taylor is on the phone!" She yelled. Lauren quickly shot up and ran to the phone. "Hello?" There was a dial tone. "MOM!! He was not on the phone you liar!" Lauren quickly rushed into the bathroom and took a nice long, hot shower and soon got out. She dried off with a towel, put on her robe, and opened her closet doors. "Hmmmmm. What about this?" She said to herself holding out a red halter top with black baggy jeans. "Lauren, honey, that looks fine, so hurry up!" Her mom yelled into her room. Lauren put the clothes on and cleaned the bubbles out of her navel ring. She looked in her closet and pulled out a red, black and white pair of high top, three inch platform tennis shoes. She slid them on and went into the bathroom to apply her make up. "Lauren are you ready yet?" Her mother yelled. "No! I still have to do my hair." She yelled back. She quickly looked in the mirror to see what she should do with her hair.
"Lauren! Those knots you had in your hair looked nice! Or, you could wear it down."
"Mom! God. I'll be ready when I'm ready. I'll pass on your motherly advice!"
She quickly pulled up four tiny buns in her hair and left the rest of it down. She put on her big-ball necklace that she bought a Pacific Sunwear and her red choker. She added her ten rings, Army jacket and ran out the door before her mother got to say her name one more time.
"Lauren honey. You know how your uncle hates when you wear those shirts that show yoru whole stomach. And how your aunt hates baggy jeans." She pointed out while they were in the car.
"Would you rather me wear butt tight jeans, and a shirt that goes down to my ankels?"
"No honey." Her mother chuckled. "I just wanted you to be more presentable."
"I am presentable!"
"Yea, in front of a bunch of surfers... or Taylor."
Lauren pulled the switch for the radio and turned it on. She heard an all to familiar piano playing. "It's Hanson!" Her mother yelled like a little school girl. Lauren gave her mom a playful smile and turned it up full blast.
"I will come to you oh, I will come to you/ When the night is dark and stormy you won't have to reach out for me/I will come to you/oh I will come to you..."
The two sang like they never sang before and when the song ended and Sublime came on, they cracked up.

Meanwhile... at the Hanson's house

"Taylor! Isaac! Zachary!! Come downstairs! We have guests!" Diana yelled up the steps.
They walked downstairs and saw two meekish looking adults and a teenaged girl. The woman was wearing a light purple frumpy old dress with white shoes and her hair in a bun on the top of her head. She had brown hair and no makeup. The man was wearing a pair of gray dress pants and a white shirt, he had black hair and looked just as meek as the woman. Then their eyes fell on the girl. She was wearing a black leather jacket with spikes, a black halter top, black leather pants and boots. Obviously black. Her hair was died blue and was in a spikey mohawk. She had black make up on, lipstick, eyeliner, and everything else. When she saw the boys enter the room, her eyes lit up.
"MOM! You didn't tell me you knew Hanson!"
"I'm so sorry honey, I wanted to surprize you."
"Bitch! You know I hate surprizes! Fuck you! And what have I told you about calling me honey?"
"Oh yea, I'm sorry. . . Mrs. Hanson."
"MOM! Not in front of them!! When we get home, go to your room and don't come out for a week."
Taylor, Isaac and Zac were stunned by this girl's behavior. They could tell their parents were too.
"Guys, this is Meridith. Meridith, I'm assuming you know my sons. Or heard of them."
"Hell yea!"
"Guys why don't you show Meridith to your room and you can talk up there." Walker suggested.
"Uh, ok dad." The boys answered and walked to their room, with the odd girl following them.
"So, uh, Meridith? How many peircings do you have?" Taylor asked.
"9. Why?"
"Just wondering. Damn, my Girlfriend would be so jealous." He answered emphasizing the word.
"Yea, I do have one you know."
"Oh. What about you Ike?"
Damn, she doesn't even know me and she's calling me Ike already!
"Oh, uh, me too."
"Kinda, what about you?"
"Actually, I have a few."
"A few!?!" They all asked.
"Yea. Jon, Justin, Mark, Eric, Xavier, Devon and Josh."
"I actually, need three more."
"Uh ok. why?"
"Cause my friend and I are in a race to see how many idiots we can fool. She went first and had 9 and I need to beat her so I need ten."
The boys looked at her in shock. They talked until 10:00 when the phone rang.
"Hello?" Zac said.
"Hey Zac. It's me. Lauren. Is Tay there?"
"Yea, but he's with a girl and doesn't want to be disturbed."
Lauren slammed the phone down and ran to her room, while Taylor had a girl over.
"Zac who was that?" Tay asked.
"It was your Girlfriend but I told her you were with another girl and didn't want to be disturbed."
"Zac! You goober!!" Taylor yelled as he went into his room leaving Meridith there and dialing Lauren's phone number.
"It's not what you think. I didn't tell Zac to say that and Meridith is my mom's friend's daughter. You have nothing to worry about."
"Is that right?" She asked.
"Yes, I swear to god."
"That's it?" He asked.
"Are you sure?"
"No wait. Come over."

Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Fifteen
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