One Sweet Day

Chapter Six

"Hi Lauren." Isaac greeted.
"Hi again."
"Hey Lauren, you look really nice." Taylor pointed out.
"Thanks, you look nice too."
"Hi Lauren!" Zac yelled as he ran up and hugged her.
"Hi Zac." She said just before she got the life squeezed out fo her.
"Hi Zaccy." Nikki said.
"Hey Nikki." Zac said.
"You all wanna go see a movie or something?" Isaac asked.
They all agreed and went into the living room. Lauren and Taylor sat in the love seat and Nikki and Zac sat on the floor while playing 'Donkey Kong Country' Isaac sat in a chair while he waited to pick up his girlfriend. Suddenly Nikki stopped the game.
"Lauren, can I talk to you for a sec?" Nikki asked.
"Yea, sure."
Lauren and Nikki walked into the other room and sat down.
"Do you think he likes me? Do you think he knows I like him?"
"I dunno. I'll go ask Taylor, Ok?"
Lauren walked into the living room and looked at Taylor.
"Taylor, can I talk to your for a sec?"
"Wha- Yea sure."
Lauren and Taylor walked up to his room.
"Taylor, Nikki likes Zac. Do you know if he likes her?"
"I asked him earlier and he said no, but I really think he does. I know he likes you but he's not the only one."
"So, whose the other one?"
"Well, me."
"Taylor . . . Well back to Zac and Nikki, do you think he would go out with her?"
"I don't know, I'll ask him, but I know someone that would go out with you."
"Lauren, will you go out with me?" He interrupted her.
"Are you serious?"
"Of course I will." She was about to say something to him but got cut off by Taylor's lips brushing against hers in a gentle kiss.
"Lauren! Did you ask him?" Nikki whispered.
"Yea, he said he'd ask-" Lauren was cut off again, but this time by Nikki.
"Well I can't wait any longer, I'm asking him myself!"
"Zac? Can I talk to you for a sec? I gotta ask you something" Nikki asked.
"Uh yea sure."
"In the other room?"
"Yea, sure."
When they finally got in the kitchen Nikki spoke.
"Look, Zac, I really like you, and I wanted to know if you felt the same way about me. Do you?"
"Uh, I think so. I think I have for a long time."
"You have?!"
"You know how I feel about girlfriends right now though, so can you gimme a while to get used to this whole 'girl' thing?" "Oh, Ok, I understand." She said as she walked out of the room with a smile.
"Nikki, how'd it go?" Lauren and Taylor both asked.
"Well, now that you have YOUR love lives in order, can we go pick Kathy up?" Isaac interrupted. They all agreed and piled into Walker and Diana's old van.

Chapter Seven
Chapter Five
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