One Sweet Day

Chapter Seven

About 20 minutes after the five of them piled into the van they pulled up to a three story brick house, with a tall girl standing in the driveway. The girl who Lauren assumed was Kathy, had long brown hair and once she got a closer look, she saw that she had hazel eyes.
"Lauren, this is Kathy. Kathy, this is Lauren."
"Hi Lauren!!" Kathy said a little too cheerfully. It seemed that she should be going out with Zac, not Isaac.
"Kathy, you remember my brothers, Tay and Zac, and my best friend Nikki?"
"Yes, yes, yes! Hello Taylor! Hello Zachary! Hello Nikki!" She chirped.
"Kathy, you're gonna have to sit on my lap, and Taylor and Lauren, you two will have to share the front seat, and Zac and Nikki will share the backseat."
"Ike? Can I drive? Please? I get my learners in March!"
"Ok, Ok. Let's change the seating arrangements. Lauren, you sit with me in the front seat, Kathy, you sit in the back with Zac and Nikki. Ok?" Isaac asked. Everyone agreed and piled into the car.
"A word of advice," Taylor started. "If anyone sees a police car, duck your heads!" He finished as he pulled out of the driveway. It was a semi rough ride to the movie theater but they made it. When they walked in, saw the name of the movie they wanted to see, bought tickets and sat down.
"I know what you did last Summer, Never heard of it." Lauren whispered into Taylor's ear. "It's supposed to be good. Just watch, if you're anything like me, you'll like it."
Lauren turned around to see Isaac and Kathy making out in the back row of the theater. She turned her head to see Nikki and Zac holding hands and Nikki's head resting on Zac's shoulder. Lauren thought it was a little odd how Nikki was almost 13 and Zac had just turned 12, but it was really none of her buisness. Then she looked over at Taylor who was gazeing into her eyes. The movie suddenly came on and Taylor turned his attention to the screen. Suddenly Lauren felt Taylor's hand grab hers and they held hands through the whole movie. It was the sweetest thing she had ever expirienced. When the movie was over, they all piled back into the car in the same seats as before and started driving home. Suddenly there was a screech of tires and all they heard were loud sirens. Taylor pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the police to come to the window.
"Can I see your drivers licence sir?"
"You know, I don't have one yet. I get it in March and my brother was helping me learn."
"Well, you do know that it's against the law to have more than one person in a seat at a time, right?"
"It is?"
"Yes it is. Espesially with an under aged driver. I'm gonna have to give you a ticket. If it were my choice, I'd let ya go, but I can't." He filled out the ticket and handed it to Taylor.
"If you and your brother over there don't make it to court next month, then you won't get your licence until your 21 and you will get your licence taken away until you are at least 25. Those are the laws I'm sorry to say. Oh, and big brother, you might wanna drive the rest of the way to where ever you're going. You all have a nice night now."
As the cop drove off, Isaac got in the drivers seat, and Kathy sat on his lap while Lauren and Taylor sat in the passengers seat the whole way home.

Chapter Eight
Chapter Six
Back Home
