One Sweet Day

Chapter Nineteen

"Lauren?" Nikki whispered.
"Your mom said she'd be home later."
"Uh huh?"
"I guess you don't care though."
"I'm supposed to stay here until my mom gets home."
"Uh hummm"
"I think my mom comes back in four days."
"Huh? Ummmm Hmmm."
"That party was pretty outragous."
"Ummm Hmmm"
"What's wrong with you?"
"Huh? Hmmmmm."
Nikki started getting scared, her best friend was high or drunk or both or something. Her eyes watered as she picked up the phone.

In the 'Boyz Room' at the Hanson house

'Beep Beep Beep Beep!' Taylor heard his pager, he looked at the number. "Lauren" he mummbled.
"What's wrong Tay? Who was it?"
"It was Lauren."
"Oooh!" Zac cooed in a little girly voice.
"So are you gonna call her back?"
"Yea, in a minute, I have to wait till mom gets in bed."
'Beep Beep Beep' His pager went off again.
"Damn it." He whispered.
"Tay, it must be important, call her."
Taylor picked up the phone and dialed Lauren's number. Nikki answered on the first ring.
"Taylor?" Nikki screamed sobbing.
"Ohmygod! What happened?"
"It-it's Lauren... she was acting all weird and m-making weird noises a-and th-th-then she passed out and I t-tried to wake h-her up, b-but she won't m-move."
"Nikki calm down, I'll be over in a sec."
"Ok, Tay! Her face is turning blue! Hurry up!"
Taylor quickly hung up the phone, put a shirt on over his boxers and ran down the steps almost in tears himself.
"Taylor, didn't we tell you to go to bed?" Diana questioned him.
"Not now mom!" He yelled as he ran out the door to Lauren's house.
When he got to the door it was unlocked so he went in. When he got to Lauren's room he saw Nikki sitting on the floor with Lauren's head in her lap. Speaking of Lauren's head, it was a purplish-bluish color.
"Ni-Nikki what happened to her?" Taylor screamed, crying.
"I donno, she-she won't wake up!"
"Taylor?! Nikki?! Lauren?!?" Walker's voice beamed up the stairs. He noticed the crying and ran up to Lauren's room.
"Taylor, Nikki what happened?"
"I donno!" Nikki screamed.
"Tay what happened?" Walker screamed to Taylor, who now had Lauren's lifeless head in his lap.
"D-Dad I donno."
"Nikki, call 911! NOW! "
Nikki called 911 and by the time the ambulance got there, Diana, Avery, Jessie, Mackie, Meridith, Isaac, Zac, Betty, Judy, Mark (M's Dad) and Walker were all there.
They put Lauren into a stretcher and wheeled her out to the ambulance. Taylor didn't let Lauren out of his sight. When they put her in the ambulance he asked to go with them, and they made room for him to sit with her.
"Lauren? It'll be ok. Don't worry about a thing." By that point Taylor thought he was talking to a dead body until he felt Lauren's blue clammy hand touch his face.
"Tay, if I leave you tonight, please, don't ever forget me, cause I'll never forget you."
"I-I'll never forget you, I promise, and I promise, and you better promise that you won't leave me tonight."
"You can't make a promise you can't keep and neither will I."
"Lauren?" He whispered.
Her eyes closed.
" Lauren!! "
"Yes Tay?"
"Oh, I, I thought. Nevermind. Just rest."
With that, Lauren closed her eyes and slept the rest of the way to the Hospital.

Chapter Twenty
Chapter Eighteen
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