One Sweet Day

Chapter Nine

The contents of chapters Nine and Ten, actually happened to me, just not with Hanson.

The next morning Lauren was rudely awakened by loud knocking on the door.
"Aaaahhh! Who is here so early?" Lauren asked.
"EARLY?! It's almost 11:30!" Taylor protested.
"Exactly what I said, early, and you're still sleeping, so I don't wanna hear it."
They gave eachother a little peck and got up to see who was at the door. When they opened the door, they saw three familiar faces that belonged to: Isaac, Zac and Nikki. "How long have you all been up?" Lauren asked.
"Well, since we never went to bed, I'd say, 11 - 12 hours." Isaac answered.
"God damn! I fell asleep almost as soon as I sat on the couch." Lauren said.
"Oooh, Lauren! What were you all up to last night?" Nikki asked with a littl too much curiosity. "Nothing! We saw a movie and fell asleep. What did you and Zac do?"
"No-" Nikki started.
"We had more fun than you did!" Zac cut her off, and they left it at that.
Lauren told Taylor to go home with Isaac and Zac to get dressed, while Lauren and Nikki got ready at Lauren's house. Nikki and Lauren ran into her room and opened the closet doors.
"Lauren! I wanna wear something sexy! To show off for Zac!!"
"Ok, Ok, here put this on." Lauren pulled out a tight patten leather blue, half halter top. "Oooh! Blue is his favorite color! . . . but wait, it'll show my belly button, and my belly button isn't cute!" She complained.
"Ok then, let's peirce it!"
"Come on! Mines peirced! Look!" Lauren said pointing to the small silver ring in her navel.
"Wow! That's so cute! I want one! Will it hurt?"
"No, look, lemme go get my needle and we'll do it."
Not even five minutes later there was a blood curdeling scream coming from Nikki's mouth. "I though you said it wouldn't hurt!!"
"I'm sorry. It didn't hurt me, look how cute it is!!" "Wow! Wait what pants will I wear?"
"The pants that go with it." Lauren pulled out a pair of blue, patten leather bell bottoms and threw them to Nikki.
"Shoes?" Nikki asked. Lauren looked in her closet and pulled out her black, white and blue platform tennis shoes. "Lauren! Those are so cute!"
"Here, wear this blue eye shadow and this lipstick and lemmme do your hair."
Lauren pulled Nikki's hair into ten tiny knots on the top of her head. "Wow! This is the best I've looked in years, thank you so much!"
"Nikki, don't cry or your mascara will run!"
"Wait, Lauren. Can we dress alike? I see you have this same outfit in hot pink! Please?"
"Ok." Lauren put the clothes on, put on her pink and black platform shoes, put her pink eye shadow on and tied her blond hair up in ten or eleven knots.
"Lauren! We look like twins and you look really good. But this navle ring kinda hurts."
"That's because you're wearing your pants too high, they're called 'hip huggers'. Pull 'em down."
Lauren and Nikki walked over to the Hansons house and Isaac opened the door.

Chapter Ten
Chapter Eight
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