One Sweet Day

Chapter Fourteen

Lauren ran inside crying. She looked out the window to see Taylor walking up her driveway. When he got to the door he knocked and Lauren's mom answered again.
"Taylor, I'm sorry, Lauren can't come to the door right now, she isn't feeling too well." Her mother said.
"Please. It's really important! I really need to see her." He said as he let a few tears drop.
"Well, hold on, lemme go see what she says. Come on in and I'll be right back."
Her mother walked upstairs and knocked on Lauren's door. "Lauren honey, can I come in?"
"Yea." Lauren managed to choke out between tears.
"Lauren, Taylor really wants to see you. He's downstairs crying just as bad as you why don't you let him up?" She asked.
"Fine. Let him up. I don't care. It's over between us anyway."
Her mother gave her a peck on the forehead and went to get Taylor. Soon there was another knock on the door.
"Come in." Lauren said, still crying, but not as bad.
"Lauren can we please talk?"
"Yea, sure. Why not?"
"I don't want you to give me an attitude though."
"Look, I still really like you and I still want to go out with you... and I lo....."
"Taylor! Please! If you were going to dump me anyway why do you care?"
"Didn't you hear me?"
"Hear you when?"
"When you were running home from the park."
"Well, I said I love you too. And that's why I care."
"You really said that?! I thought I was imagining it."
"Yea, I did, and I meant it."
"Taylor, you really are the sweetest guy I have ever met. I'm sorry I freaked out back there."
"It's OK. I'm sorry too."
"Quite alright."
"SO, Lauren. If I asked you out again, would you say yes?"
"Yea." Lauren replied with a smile.
"You would?!!??"
"So, uh, will you go back out with me??"
"That's pretty cool." He said immitating Butt head. Isaac had always told him that it made girls laugh, and sure enough, it did.
Lauren giggled and gave him a peck on the lips and grabbed his hand.
"That was probably the shortest break up in history!" Lauren said.
"really! How long was it?" Taylor asked.
"14 minutes, and 21 seconds." Lauren answered.
They both laughed and walked downstairs holding hands.

Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Thirteen
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