One Sweet Day

Chapter Five

"Well, We could go to our house and figure something out." Taylor suggested.
"How does that sound, Lauren?" Zac asked her.
"It sounds great to me!" She answered.
"Are you sure?" Isaac asked, sounding like he had been dying to say something to her.
"Yea, I'm sure. Well why don't Nikki and I go to my house and get ready while you all go to your house and get ready, then we'll meet you all at your house in an hour? K?" Lauren asked. Everyone agreed and Lauren lead Nikki to her house next door.
"Damn Lauren, I thought that you'd hate me after the way I treated you. I'm sorry about the way I acted. I guess I just got jealous. I hope we can still be good friends!"
'I mean, it's not Lauren's fault Taylor likes her, it's TAYLOR'S FAULT!' Nikki thought to herself.
"Most definatly!"
They hugged and walked into Lauren's room. Her room was a huge room with Cathedral cealings, and big windows, she had a King sized bed, a big TV with a VCR, a closet, a computer, five bubble chairs and a bubble table to go in the middle. She also had a big bathroom connecting to her room.
"Wow Lauren! You're room is great!"
"Thanks! I was gonna hang up all my Hanson posters but since I'm friends with them, I'd feel a little stupid."
They laughed and looked through all of Lauren's clothes. "Here, this will look great on you, the purple shirt makes your green eyes stand out and well, the jeans just go with the shirt."
"Lauren! You're the best! Thanks for letting me wear this! Wait! You got to pick out my outfit, so let me pick yours out!"
"How about this one? No, this one! No, no, no! This one!" Nikki pulled out a black halter top and dark blue jeans with black and white daisies going up the sides. "Sure! I love that!"
"I'm sure Taylor will love it on you! You know, I never asked you how old you were."
"I just turned 14."
"Wow! I'll be 13 next week! Do you want to come to my party?"
"Look, I know I was upset with you for liking Taylor but you know, I think I really think I like Zac, and believe me, I don't know why cause I never had ANY feelings like that towards him until I found out that Tay liked you." Nikki confessed.
"You do? Do you think he likes you?"
"I don't know. Will you ask Taylor to ask him?"
Lauren and Nikki took showers, got dressed and put on Lauren's makeup. Nikki was shoked how one girl could have only one brand of makeup, Urban Decay. (If you haven't heard of it, it's a really cool brand of funky colors! My fave!)


"Hey Tay?" Zac called to his brother.
"Do you like Lauren?"
"I think so." He answered. As Zac heard those words, the light in his eyes faded and he walked out of the room. "Zac! What's wrong?" Taylor called after him.
"Zac, you can tell me. Ike won't hear, he's in the shower."
"Well, I think like her too."
"But you barley know her, how could you like her?"
"Well, there is that conversation we had before dinner last night and the way she makes me feel when I look at her, and the horrible way it makes me feel when I think about her liking you. I just think I like her."
"Zac! It's OK for you to like her but do you think she feels the same way about you? She's almost 3 years older than you. You'd look like a midget!"
Zac almost wanted to punch Taylor when he suddenly thought of himself hugging Lauren, but only reaching her knees. Soon both of the boys were laughing.
"Zac, I think Lauren likes me though."
"You do?"
"Yea, can't you tell? It's just a little showy."
"Yea but would you ever go out with her?!"
"Yea, I was thinking about asking her out today?"
"But, Taaaaaaaaaaaaay! Ike and I both like her! You'll get your ass beat by two people if you do!"
"Why are you all talking about me?" Isaac asked as he walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and drying off his hair with a towel.
"We aren't! But why are you so dressed up? Showing off for Lauren?"
"No, not really, besides I want her to meet Kathy today." Isaac said, reffering to his girlfriend of almost 2 years.
"Oooh, Kathy." Zac said in a girly voice as he ran into the bathroom to take his shower.
"Tay, you know you can use mom and dad's bathroom, I know you want to look good for Lauren." Isaac joked. Taylor quickly grabbed some clean clothes and ran into his parents bathroom. About 20 minutes later Lauren and Nikki arrived at their house.

Chapter Six
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