One Sweet Day

Chapter Fifteen

"So love birds, is everything ok?" Lauren's mother asked.
"Yes mother, we're fine." Lauren answered.
"Hey Lauren, do you wanna come over, we can watch a movie or something." Taylor sugested. "Sure," She started. "MOM, can I go over to Taylor's house for a while?" Lauren yelled to her mother in the next room.
"Honey, it's already eight, and we're going to see your father's brother tomorrow. I want you to get a good night's sleep. Will you be home before ten?"
"Tay, will I be home before ten?"
"Yea. I guess."
"Yes mom. Can I go?"
"Oh, Ok. Go on."
Taylor got up and grabbed Lauren's hand and walked to his house. Nikki was sitting in her front yard with Zac.
"Lauren! Taylor! What's wrong? You two look like you've been crying!" Nikki almost yelled into their ears.
"Well, we have." Taylor said.
"Cause we . . . well, it's a long story. Let's just say we had a depressing day." Lauren said.
"Oh, ok." Nikki answered.
"Jeez Tay. I know you're the sensitive one, but you never cry over girls."
"Well, sorry, but-" Tay started but Lauren cut him off.
"We were going over to your house now, so we'll see you later." Lauren said looking at Zac.
"Oh, ok, we'll see ya later then" Zac said.
Lauren and Taylor walked into his house and walked into the kitchen. "Tay, what's wrong? Have you been crying?" His mother asked him.
"No mom. I'm fine. There was something in my eye."
"Hello Lauren. We decided to let Taylor keep his earring, so if it gets infected, we'll ask you what to do."
Lauren and Taylor walked up to his room and closed the door. He got a movie and put it in the VCR. When he turned around he saw that Lauren was laying on his bed already so, he laid down and put his head in her lap, right on her stomach. She put her hand on his head and played with his hair for a while. All too soon, the movie ended and Lauren was going home. Taylor walked her to her door, gave her a kiss and said bye. "I love you babe."
"I love you too, Tay."
"Call me when you get back from your uncle's house."
"Ok, Later."
"Bye" Those were the last words she heard him say that day, and she knew she was in love.

Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Fourteen
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