~Chapter Thirty Nine~

Lauren thought about what she was about to do. She loved Taylor, she loved him with all of her heart. But he was cheating on her! With VARIOUS girls! This HAD to be stopped. She pushed Max's horny body away from her.
"Max, I can't." She said.
"WHAT? Why not?" He asked, his face turning crimson from anger.
"I just can't. I love Taylor. Not you." She cried.
"Man! I don't get you! Your using to me to get back at Taylor, aren't you?!?! AREN'T YOU?!!" His screams, hurt her ears. She was getting a little scared.


Taylor sat in his hotel room looking around, looking at the girls, and looking at Lauren's picture.
"I HAVE TO GET BACK!!!" He screamed.
"What?" The girls cried.
He didn't even give them the time of day. He ran out of the room, and jumped into his limo. It took him 20 minutes to get to Max's house.

Max was yelling so loud, and getting very close to Lauren. She pushed him away.
"Max, please get out of my face! I can't stand it when your like this. Please go away. Leave me alone!"
He smacked her across the face, and pushed her down to the ground.
"Don't you fucking tell me what to do! You lead me on and used me. Your gonna get your ass beat!" He screamed, kicking her in the stomach while she was on the floor. She was already sobbing, because number one, Max was a strong boy. And two, he was hitting her hard.
"MAX! STOP IT!!" She yelled. He got on the ground next to her and started kicking and punching, and beating her. All of the sudden, he stopped and fell to the ground. Lauren thought he must have been tired, or satisfied with the damage he had caused. She opened her eyes, to see what looked like an angel. Was she dead? But no, she knew those beautiful blue eyes anywhere.
"Taylor!" She managed to choke out.
"Oh baby! I missed you so much. I knew something awful was going to happen." He cried, and he gently touched her face. Her nose was bleeding, her eyes were puffy, they were going to turn black, she had cuts and scrapes all over her body where Max had beat her. She was hurt. Taylor picked her up and carried her out to the limo. He laid her down so she was comfortable.
"I'll be right back." he whispered and went back in the house.
"MAX!" He called. He got no answer. He looked to where he had dropped him. He wasn't there. Finally, he found him, scrunched up in the corner of his bathroom, smoking a bowl. While he was down, Taylor looked at him and said "You fucked up." And started hitting him till he couldn't stand to hit him anymore. As he turned to leave, he spit on his face, and left the house.
"Baby..." Lauren said, her mouth swelling up. "I love you." She managed to choke out. She fell asleep with her head on his lap. "I love you too Lauren."
They drove back to the Hanson house, and he carried her inside. He laid her on the bed, and got a wet washcloth and cleaned her up. She slept the whole time. He had to wake her up to give her some Aspirin. She took it with no problems. But she didn't go back to sleep.
"Taylor, will you love me like this forever? And always take care of me?" She asked.
"Of course I will. I couldn't see myself loving anyone else the way I love you."
"Well that's great. Just remember, I will always do the same for you. And if I ever get out of control again, remind me of what happened these past couple days, and I will come flying back to you with open arms." she said with a smile.
"Good. Baby," He said. "I've never been so happy in my entire life."
"Me either." She said smiling.
AND those were the exact same words they said 9 years later on their wedding day. Hanson was no longer a "bubble gum pop group", but just a regular rock and roll band touring all over. They had decieded to get married in Paris. They bought everyone's plane tickets and finally the day came. That one sweet day, where flowers filled the room, people gathered everywhere who loved them so much. And it was the most beautiful, elegant, wonderful wedding anyone could have dreamed of. It was like a fairy tale. And their lives stayed that way through everything. Through their first baby girl, their first puppy, and everything that went on in their lives. They were the happiest couple alive.


Chapter Thirty Eight
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