~Chapter 38~

"So basically his whole thing is, is that if he's not doing it, neither can I. But if he wants to then it's ok with him." Lauren said so mad, and about to get so high, sitting at Max's house.
"Well, that's not cool. What a weirdo."
"Yah! I know! Ready to blaze baby?"
They walked out the back door to meet Mike, Josh, Scott, Kirill, and Kristen. (Lauren's best friend).
All of the sudden, Max put his arm around Lauren's waist and said "Ok everyone, this is my new girlfriend." Lauren just giggled and went along with it. Taylor had totally disapeared from her mind.
There were only a few chairs out back, everyone got a chair but Lauren.
"Come sit on your new boyfriend's lap." Max said patting his lap. Lauren went right over to him and sat on his lap. She was totally hooked on Max. But Taylor was still lingering in her mind. Max had his arms wrapped around her waist and everyone was high. All of the sudden, Taylor burst though the back gate, while Lauren and Max were kissing (more like MAJOR tonsil hockey) and he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Lauren! What are you doing?"
"Hi tay-tay! Wusssssssuuuuuuppppp?"
"Get off of him!"
"Taylor, since when have you been so demanding and controlling? AND why should it make a difference to me, considering you dumped me and threw me outta your house!"
"I didn't dump you Lauren. I just . . . got mad. I'm sorry. Can you get off Max's lap please."
She ran up to Taylor and smacked him across the face. "I want ALL my things here by this time tomorrow!"
"You heard me!"
"And how am I gonna get your things here?"
"I dunno, but you'll figure it out. Your the rich one, fucking buy a plane to bring them here. Just get my stuff here!"
"Why Lauren, why?"
"I just think we need a small break. Ok? I need my time to get out and live a little without someone up my ass all the time telling me I can't do it. Ok? I'll call you in a couple of days. I love you babe."
"Yeah, whatever." Taylor said.
"What? Whatever? You don't love me?!" Lauren asked, blown away.
"Yeah, I do. But I don't believe that you do."
"Well, I do. So, if you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do about it."
"Ok. I love you too Lauren. Bye."
"Bye Taylor." Lauren said sweetly. As soon as Taylor stepped out of the gates, she sat on Max's lap and continued to make out with him.
"Lets see him tell me I can't do THIS!" Lauren said and out of nowhere, she went down on Max. With everyone watching.
Finally, only like 10 minutes later, everyone had MAJOR munchies. They ran inside and ate like, all the food. Cheese, Cocoa puffs, all the food in the house. Then, Lauren and Max fell asleep together on the couch. Kristen and Josh fell asleep together in Josh's bed and everyone else was scattered all over the floor. As soon as everyone fell asleep, the phone rang. It was Taylor. But no one heard the phone ring.


The next afternoon everyone woke up. There was a message on the answering machine.
"Lauren. It's me Taylor. We're going away tonight. I don't know when we'll be back. *giggles in the background from some girls* Shhh! I'm still leaving a message. Anyways, Lauren. I'll holla at cha when I git back. If I get back. Oh yeah, bye."
"Holy Fuck Lord! What the hell is going on! He's having more fun than ME? No way! Ok, Max, in bed NOW! Now who's having more fun?"


Taylor sat in a hotel room with three girls all wanting to sleep with him, but none of them were going to. Ever. Lauren was the only one he wanted. And the only one he couldn't have. He knew girls were crazy about him. He knew it. And everyone knew it. But why wasn't Lauren one of those girls. She used to be. Now he life is all about living on the wild side and doing what ever she wants to do. Life just isn't supposed to be like that. Your supposed to follow rules. Thats the only way you can get anywhere in life. Why didn't she understand that?