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Penguins Of the World

 Hello and Welcome to the Penguin Page.

    Well my name is Josiah Olson and I am 12 years old. I enjoy Penguins! Below is a list of a few kinds of Penguins in the world if you click on one of them it will come up with another page that tells you all about that kind of Penguin. If the penguin your looking for is not there E-mail me and I will put it there ASAP. Then I will be updating my pages daily. As some of you might know there are at least 16 maybe 18 types of Penguins in the world. No Penguins cross the equator except the Galapagos Penguins. So if you have any cool info about penguins or just want to say that this web page is cool just E-mail me.

My Penguin Links

Adelie Penguins
Gentoo Penguins
Emperor Penguins
Chinstrap Penguins
