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My Palace Friends


My sweet fiend, who is always worrying how I am doing from day to day and the one who send my all those nice web page addresss
A good friend that is a little bit misunderstood, but aren't we all a little bit misunderstood on Palace
Little Heidi a true gem in our family of Palace friends, who like so many worries about one and all of us who get sick or injuried
What can I say about Legion, well his sense of humor is one in it's self, all one has to do is listen to his wav file and you can see what I mean
The mighty Pandora, who no one wants to be on the bad side of, for the wrath of Pandora is one of a very mean lady that carries a gun that knows how to use it and nerves of steel
Another one of Harry's Bar's permeant family, the family won't be the same if you were part of it
The power of Turkette is of one person, who controls the Palace and probably a few other places that fear the might and power of turkette
Ph's Horse
Great Ph's Horse, one of the true people behind Palace. But beware the power of Ph's Horse because his power is that of a truely powerful person, who can be angrier easily

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