FUNkey Clothestitle> <center> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Original: Randy Bennett ( --> <!-- Web Site: http// --> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! --> <!-- Begin function setVariables() { imgwidth=235; // logo width, in pixels imgheight=19; // logo height, in pixels if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") { horz=".left"; vert=".top"; docStyle="document."; styleDoc=""; innerW="window.innerWidth"; innerH="window.innerHeight"; offsetX="window.pageXOffset"; offsetY="window.pageYOffset"; } else { horz=".pixelLeft"; vert=".pixelTop"; docStyle=""; styleDoc=".style"; innerW="document.body.clientWidth"; innerH="document.body.clientHeight"; offsetX="document.body.scrollLeft"; offsetY="document.body.scrollTop"; } } function checkLocation() { objectXY="branding"; var availableX=eval(innerW); var availableY=eval(innerH); var currentX=eval(offsetX); var currentY=eval(offsetY); x=availableX-(imgwidth+30)+currentX; y=availableY-(imgheight+20)+currentY; evalMove(); setTimeout("checkLocation()",10); } function evalMove() { eval(docStyle + objectXY + styleDoc + horz + "=" + x); eval(docStyle + objectXY + styleDoc + vert + "=" + y); } // End --> </SCRIPT> <!-- STEP TWO: Add this onLoad event handler to the BODY tag --> <BODY onload="setVariables(); checkLocation();"> <!-- STEP THREE: Put this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <div id="branding" style="position:absolute; visibility:show; left:235px; top:-50px; z-index:2"> <table width=3 bgcolor=#ffffff><td> <a href="" onmouseover="window.status='Want to see nude pictures of Bart? Click on him then!';return true" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"><center><img src="" width="36" height="36"></center></a></font></td> </table> </div> <!-- Script Size: 2.22 KB --> <p> <br> <p> <br> <center> <font size="3"> <a href="">FUNkey Clothes<a> can be found at<blink><font size="10">!</font></blink><br> <font size="7"><a href=""></a></font> </font> </center> <p> <br> <p> <center>This site has been accessed <img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi"> times</center> <p> </body> </html>