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Welcome To They Need Love - A Humor Page!

Okie - we've got a HUGE update - besides fixin' up the BsBoy's part - we've got direct quotes of the *N Sync guys dissin' Britney Spears - click here to see what they've said.

*N Sync!

Sorry, Girlyz, but *N Sync's section will be down for awhile while I update it. So make yourself happy w/ Bit-bit *coughSLUTcough* or Aaron Carter - but if you MUST have a shot of boyband humor - go to the BsB's!!!

Click on the pic to see a section run by *censor* and to laugh at Justin's ego, Joey's horniness, Chris's hair and/or weight, Lance's sexuality *or lack of it* and JC's...JC's...JC's unperfectness, I guess.

Backstreet Boys!

Okily dokily, babes, this is Baby Bone and click on the...BACKSTREET BOYS to laugh at Howie's, uh..."Happy"ness, Nick's Ego and/or weight, Kevin's, ahem, well, forget that for a minute, and Brian's something, I can't remember, and AJ's problem with PDS.

Britney Spears!

Hey, it's me again, *censor*, and click this UG-LY pic of Bit-bit to get to her site and just laugh at her for everything she does. 'Cuz I've got issues with her, check 'em out...

Aaron Carter!

Ok, it's ME now, Baby Bone. And click on the pic to see Baby Aaron's section. I'm doing Aaron 'cuz *censor*'s got two and I only had one. But I'm thinking of taking Aaron off 'cuz no one knows jack about this kiddo and putting 5ive up. Lemme know what you think.


Y'all, guess what!!! Britney Spears is ON TRIAL!!! For real! To find out what for and all the gritty, rather gory details, go to the Britney Section! And here's a one-word clue = INBREEDER!!!


We need all the help we can get! And if you have anything to offer our site, such as interviews, pictures, info, appearance dates, lyrics to their albums, etc. please E-mail us and we will put you on our thank-you page with a link to your site, if you have one. THANKS!


A'ight, y'all, this is a HUMOR page!!! HUMOR! Purely humor, except Brit, we both hate her guts. By the way, this humor page was made by two of us with TWISTED, INSANE, PSYCHOTIC senses of humor. Therefore ~ teenyboppers that can't take a joke and just DON'T understand that we love these guys and hate Britney, and this is only a joke, LEAVE!!!! The definition of teeny-bopper is...1) You think you'll marry your fave *N Syncer. 2) You think you'll meet them and they'll actually remember you for more than thirty seconds. 3) You get offended when you visit humor sites and bawl like a baby 'cause you found out Nick's FAT and Justin's got an EGO PROBLEM. So ~ If you fit one or more of the above described ~ OUT!!!! Thank you and goodnight.

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