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I got it!I got it!I finally got the tape..guess what?There's a poster when you buy the people who haven't get the tape..get it now!!!!! Keep the Backstreet's Pride Alive!!!!

So how's it goin'??I have done this survey in my class.Well, obviously, most of my classmates ain't interested in this sort of thing. Some have changed their taste..but I'm real glad that most of us still support BackstreetBoys. The boys??Nah..they prefer Kurt Kobain. However, Backstreet really got it going on again..there are once more in the chart--Artist of the MOnth of Channel V. They are going to host the Ride and will be featured in Speak Easy. So Channel V watchers....stay tuned!! And there's this BAckstreetBoys contest organised..and the question is so EASY..even a baby knows the answer.The question is--What is the name of the 5 BackstreetBOys?? You know?!I know!!!!Of course, I joined the contest because IF I WIN I GET TO FLY TO US AND MEET THE BACKSTREETBOYS!!!!!!!!!! If you wanna join the contest, you can fax your answers to +852-2621-7203 .It's that simple!!!!The dateline of this contest is the 5th of September so, join quick! Okay... I heard this piece of news from a friend that Howie D is going to get married next October. What a time.I was just falling into him!!The way he winks..Of course, Angela told me that he wears contact lenses. Okay..,have to go..that's all for this month's BSB goossssnews

Groove on

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