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Support Seth

4-1/2 year old Seth Cooper has Cerebral Palsy, a disorder which slows motor skills and development. Normal children approach their fifth birthday facing challenges along the lines of identifying letters and numbers, starting kindergarten and learning to share. For Seth Cooper, of Cedar Springs, Michigan, his challenges of muscle control, coordination and communication simply leave him struggling to sit up, throw a ball, or even to tell his mother he'd like a glass of water. But he's trying. A year ago, Seth couldn't sit up, walk, talk or even crawl. Then his mother, Michelle , discovered a new therapy program, called "The Conductive Learning Center." Through repetition and hard work, the center has helped Seth to sit up independently, crawl, and even begin to walk with his walker. His progress in the past year has been amazing. Because the European-based program is so new, (there are only 13 centers in the United States) insurance does not cover any cost of Seth's tuition. It costs $9,000 each year. In order for Seth's progress to continue, his family needs help raising the money. You can help make a difference in Seth's life. Whether it's $1, or $100, everyone's contribuitions will matter. There are plenty of donation options available. All you have to do, is pick one that works best for you... because they all work for Seth.

Ways to Support Seth

Strength. Hope. Cerebral Palsy

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Photos of Seth