

Ryan's 26th Birthday
Ryan Dominic DeAndrea
7-22-82 ~ 3-16-05
Happy 26th Birthday Ryan
This is your 3rd Birthday in Heaven.
I am wishing you hear my prayers for you.
I am wishing that you know, how much I love you, miss you and wish we were still together.
I will send you balloons, wishes and kisses at the very hour and minute you were born.
May you always know, you are special to me.
May you always know, I will never forget you, or stop missing or loving you.
You are always in my heart and thoughts.
Happy Birthday dear son of mine.
Rest in Peace and have a very great party in the sky!
Love and Kisses, Mom

Happy Birthday my son, my heart, my love,
I pray that you are celebrating with the other angels above.
I miss you so much and wish I could see you for just a minute..........just one
I can close my eyes and see you at all your past birthdays and remember all the fun.

Its so hard now to approach your special days,
I pray that I can stand tall and stop asking Why?
Because there are no answers, none will ever come,
So many people just say, God's Will be done.

So I will keep on missing you and my love will continue to grow,
You will always be my baby boy and I will forever love you so.

Happy Birthday my son, Mom

wrote by Dj French for Linda DeAndrea in memory of her son Ryan

God's Garden

The flowers in God's garden
are wonderful and rare
but there is one so beautiful,
it's quite beyond compare.
God gave to us this flower,
a gift from up above.
"Take great care of this", he said,
so we tended it with love.
It budded here on earth
a little while ago,
but it was bound for heaven,
so we had to let it go.
Some flowers are here for years and years,
from some it's just a few.
So remember when you have these flowers
They're God's gift to you.

~ unknown ~

Whispers from Heaven
They say that life is fleeting
I know that this is true
I left this world so quickly
With no goodbye to you.
I know how much you miss me
Your tears fall ever light
The pillow where you lay your head
Is wet with them at night.
I know your heart is hurting
The words we left, unsaid
I love you’s, left unspoken
Are spinning in your head.
The strength that I have carried
That served to make you whole
Remains to make you stronger
Within your grieving soul.
For you see, while you were weeping
On the day I passed away
At the gravesite near the flowers
Where my loved ones knelt to pray.
An angel came to see me
She took me by the hand
She led me to a kingdom
In a very distant land.
As I look down from heaven
And see you standing there
Your heart so ever burdened
With more grief than it can bear.
I long to bring you comfort
I long to give you peace
I long to hold you closely
Cause all your tears to cease.
The joy I’ve found in heaven
Goes far beyond compare
The love that’s so elusive
Can be found here everywhere.
The light is softly shining
There’s no storm clouds here or rain
There’s no teardrops found in heaven
There’s no suffering, there’s no pain.
You needn’t be so troubled
Stay close to God and pray
That someday we’ll be together
One bright and glorious day.
So my love, you shouldn’t question
My dear you need not cry
I’ve gone to be with Jesus
I really didn’t die.
Author/Written By:
Marilyn Ferguson

Ryan loves the "Grateful Dead Bears"

to Birthday Gifts Page




© Sindy's Creations 2002-2007

Page made by Dj, Shane's Mom with love for Linda in memory of her sweet Ryan
Song chosen by Ryan's Mom, Linda