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Kalani Lawson

Kalani Lawson, or Paka'a as he has come to be known by peers, is a mutant native to the archipeligo of Hawai`i. The son of a native Hawaiian woman and mainland man, Kalani is well versed in his native culture and in various forms of martial arts as his father is a four-time Hawaiian champion. It is through the spiritual guidance of his elders and the discipline provided by martial arts that Kalani has been able to master his aerokinetic abilities as far as he has.

Paka'a, being an aerokinetic mutant, has an unlimited control over ambient gas molecules within a limited proximity to himself. The extent of his ability seems to only be confined by his imagination and has consistently demonstrated the ability to create compacted, dense spheres of air, which he dubbed 'aerospheres' as well as currents of previously inanimate air molecules.

Paka'a has exhibited the ability to lift himself from the ground for an undetermined amount of time depending upon his concentration and he is also capable of moving across the ground slightly faster than the average human being by propelling his body with forceful winds.

It has not yet been determined whether or not Paka'a is capable of effecting weather patterns, themselves, though it is not an unimaginable possibility for him to be able to cause such specific alterations to local weather such as hurricanes or tornadoes.

Height 5'11"
Weight 170 lbs.
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown