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4.1 THE < DIV > TAG

the < div > tag divides your document into separate, distinct sections.but it becomes more effective if you add the id attributeto label the divisions. The < div > tag may also be combined with the align attribute to control the alignment of whole sections of your document's content.

< div >


defines a block of text


align, class, dir, id, lang, nowrap, onClick, onDblClick, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, style, title

End tag

< /div > usually omitted in HTML



Used in


4.1.1 The align attribute

The align attribute for < div > positions the enclosed content to either the left (default), center, or right of the display. In addition, you can specify justify to align both the left and right margins of the text. The < div > tag may be nested, and the alignment of the nested < div > tag takes precedence over the containing < div > tag. Further, other nested alignment tags, such as < center > tag, aligned paragraphs or specially aligned table rows and cells.

4.1.2 The nowrap attribute

Supported only by Internet Explorer, the nowrap attribute suppresses automatic word wrapping of the text within the division. Line breaks will occur only where you have placed carriage returns in your source document.
While the nowrap attribute probably doesn't make much sense for large sections of text that would otherwise be flowed together on the page, it can make things a bit easier when creating blocks of text with many explicit line breaks: poetry, for example, or addresses. You don't have to insert all those explicit < br > tags in a text flow within a < div nowrap > tag. On the other hand, all other browsers ignore the nowrap attribute and merrily flow your text together anyway. If you are targeting only Internet Explorer with your documents, consider using nowrap where needed, but otherwise, we can't recommend this attribute for general use.

4.1.3 The dir and lang attributes

The dir attribute lets you advise the browser which direction the text should be displayed in, and the lang attribute lets you specify the language used within the division.

4.1.4 The id attribute

Use the id attribute to label the document division specially for later reference by a hyperlink,. An acceptable id value is any quote-enclosed string that uniquely identifies the division and that later can be used to reference that document section.Although we're introducing it within the context of the < div > tag, this attribute can be used with almost any tag. When used as an element label, the value of the id attribute can be added to a URL to address the labelled element uniquely within the document. You can label large portions of content For example, you might label the abstract of a technical report using < div id="abstract" >. A URL could jump right to that abstract by referencing report.html#abstract. When used in this manner, the value of the id attribute must be unique with respect to all other id attributes within the document and all the names defined by any < a > tags with the name attribute.

4.1.5 The title attribute

Use the optional title attribute and quote-enclosed string value to associate a descriptive phrase with the division. Like the id attribute, the title attribute can be used with almost any tag and behaves similarly for all tags. There is no defined usage for the value of the title attribute, and many browsers simply ignore it. Internet Explorer, however, will display the title associated with any element when the mouse pauses over that element. Used correctly, the title attribute could be used in this manner to provide spot help for the various elements within your document.

4.2 The < p > Tag

The < p > tag signals the start of a paragraph.In HTML and XHTML, each paragraph should start with < p > tag and end with the corresponding < /p > tag. And while a sequence of newline characters in a text processor-displayed document creates an empty paragraph for each one, browsers typically ignore all but the first paragraph tag.
In practice, with HTML you can ignore the starting < p > tag at the beginning of the first paragraph and the < /p > tags at the ends of each paragraph: they can be implied from other tags that occur in the document and hence safely omitted.for example
< body >
This is the first paragraph, at the very beginning of the body of
this document.
< p >
The tag above signals the start of this second paragraph. When rendered
by a browser, it will begin slightly below the end of the first paragraph,
with a bit of extra whitespace between the two paragraphs.
< p >
This is the last paragraph in the example.
< /body >
Notice that we haven't included the paragraph start tag (< p >) for the first paragraph or any end paragraph tags; they can be unambiguously inferred by the browser and are therefore unnecessary.

run of the programe

< p >


defines a paragraph of text


align, class, dir, id, lang, onDblClick, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, style, title

End tag

< /p > often omitted in HTML



Used in


4.2.1 the align attribute

example to illustrate the align attribute
< p     align=right >
Right over here!
< br >
This is too.
< p     align=left >
Slide back left.
< p     align=center >
Smack in the middle.
< /p >
Left is the default.

run of the programme.

4.2.2 The dir and lang attributes

The dir attribute lets you advise the browser which direction the text within the paragraph should be displayed in, and the lang attribute lets you specify the language used within that paragraph.

4.2.3 Allowed paragraph content

A paragraph may contain any element allowed in a text flow, including conventional words and punctuation, links (< a >), images (< img >), line breaks (< br >), font changes (< b >, < i >, < tt >, < u >, < strike >, < big >, < small >, < sup >, < sub >, and < font >), and content-based style changes ( < acronym >, < cite >, < code >, < dfn >, < em >, < kbd >, < samp >, < strong >, and < var >).


The six heading tags, written as < h1 >, < h2 >, < h3 >, < h4 >, < h5 >, and < h6 >, indicate the highest (< h1 >) to lowest (< h6 >) precedence that a heading may have in the document.

< H1 > < H2 > < H3 > < H4 > < H5 > < H6 >


Define one of six levels of headers


align, class, dir, id, lang, onClick, onDblClick, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, style, title

End tag

< /H1 > < /H2 > < /H3 > < /H4 > < /H5 > < /H6 > ; never omitted



Used in


for example:
< h1 > level1 heading < /h1 >
< h2 > level2 heading < /h2 >
< h3 > level3 heading < /h3 >
< h4 > level4 heading < /h4 >
< h5 > level5 heading < /h5 >
< h6 > level6 heading < /h6 >

run of the programme

authors have come to use < h1 > headers for document titles, < h2 > headers for section titles, and so on, often matching the way many of us were taught to outline our work with heads, subheads, and sub-subheads.
don't forget to include the appropriate heading end tags in your document. The browser won't insert them automatically for you, and omitting the ending tag for a heading can have disastrous consequences for your document.

4.3.1 The align attribute

The default heading alignment for most browsers is left. As with the < div &gT and < p > tags, the align attribute can change the alignment to left, center, right, or justify for example.
< h1 align=right > right over here! < /h1 >
< h2 align=left > slide back left. < /h2 >
< h3 align=center > smack in the middle < /h3 >

run of the programme.

4.3.2 Appropriate Use of Headings

It's often good form to repeat your document's title in the first heading tag, since the title you specify in the < head > of your document doesn't appear in the user's main display window.
< html >
< head >
< title > kumquat farming in north america < /title >
< /head >
< body >
< h3 > kumquat farming in north america < /h3 >
< p >
Perhaps one of the most enticing of all fruits is the...

run of the programme.

If you have the urge to subdivide your text further, consider using a level-two heading for the title, level three for the section dividers, and level four for the subsections.

4.3.3 Using Headings for Smaller Text

For most graphical browsers, the fonts used to display < h1 >, < h2 >, and < h3 > headers are larger, < h4 > is the same, and < h5 > and < h6 > are smaller than the regular text size.
It's become quite popular to use the smaller text in tables of contents or home pages that display a site's contents.
resulting in years of successful kumquat production
throughout North America.
< /p >
< h6 > This document copyright 2002 by the Kumquat Growers of
America. All rights reserved.< /h6 >
< /body >
< /html >

run of the programme.

4.3.4 Allowed Heading Content

A heading may contain any element allowed in text, including conventional text, hyperlinks (< a >), images (< img >), line breaks (< br >), font embellishments (< b >, < i >, < tt >, < u >, < strike >, < big >, < small >, < sup >, < sub >, and < font >), and content-based styles (< acronym >, < cite >, < code >, < dfn >, < em >, < kbd >, < samp >, < strong >, and < var >).

4.3.5 Adding Images to Headings

it is possible to insert one or more images within your headings,

4.4 Content-Based Styles

Content-based style tags inform the browser that the enclosed text has a specific meaning, context, or usage. The browser then formats the text in a manner consistent with that meaning, context, or usage. Content-based style tags confer meaning, not formatting using content-based styles helps ensure that your documents will have meaning to a broader range of readers.
The current HTML and XHTML standards do not define a format for each of the content-based styles; they only specify that they must be rendered in a manner different from the regular text in a document. The standards don't even insist that the content-based styles be rendered differently from one another. In practice, you'll find that many of these tags have fairly obvious relationships with conventional print, having similar meanings and rendered styles, and are rendered in the same style and fonts by most browsers

4.4.1 The < cite > Tag

The < cite > tag usually indicates that the enclosed text is a bibliographic citation, such as a book or magazine title. By convention, the citation text is rendered in italic.
While kumquats are not mentioned in Melville's
< cite > Moby Dick < /cite >, it is nonetheless apparent
that the mighty cetacean represents the bitter
"kumquat-ness" within every man. Indeed, when Ahab
spears the beast, its flesh is tough, much like the noble fruit.

run of the programme.

Use the < cite &gT tag to set apart any reference to another document, such as books, magazines, journal articles, and the like. If an online version of the referenced work exists, you also should enclose the citation within the < a > tag in order to make it a hyperlink to that online version.
The < cite >tag also has a hidden feature: it enables you or someone else to automatically extract a bibliography from your documents.

4.4.2 The < em > Tag

The < em > tag tells the client browser to present the enclosed text with emphasis. For nearly all browsers, this means the text is rendered in italic.
Kumquat growers must < em > always < /em > refer to kumquats
as "the noble fruit," < em &gT never < /em &gT as just a "fruit."

run of the programme.

Besides for emphasis, also consider using when presenting new terms or as a fixed style when referring to a specific type of term or concept.

4.4.3 The < strong > Tag

Like the < em > tag, the < strong > tag is for emphasizing text, except with more gusto. Browsers typically display the < strong > tag differently than the < em > tag, usually by making the text bold (versus italic), so that users can distinguish between the two.. For example, in the following text, the emphasized "never" appears in italic in Internet Explorer, while the < strong &gT "forbidden" is rendered in bold characters.
One should < em > never < /em > make a disparaging remark about the
noble fruit. In particular, mentioning kumquats in conjunction
with vulgar phrases is expressly < strong > forbidden < /strong > by
the Association bylaws.

run of the programme.

4.4.4 Allowed Content

Any content-based style tag may contain any item allowed in text, including conventional text, anchors, images, and line breaks. In addition, other content-based and physical style tags can be embedded within the content.

4.4.5 Allowed Usage

Any content-based style tag may be used anywhere an item allowed in text is used. In practice, this means you can use the < em >, < code >, and other similar tags anywhere in your document except inside < title >, < listing >, or < xmp > tagged segments. You can use text style tags in headings, too, but their effects may be overridden by the effects of the heading tags themselves.

4.4.6 Combining Content-Based Styles

It may have occurred to you to combine two or more of the various content-based styles to create interesting and perhaps even useful hybrids. Thus, an emphatic citation might be achieved with:
< cite > < em > moby dick < /em > < /cite >

run of the programme.

4.5 Physical Style tag

Nine physical styles are provided by the current HTML and XHTML standards: bold, italic, monospaced, underlined, strikethrough, larger, smaller, superscripted, and subscripted text.All physical style tags require ending tags.

Physical Style Tags


Specify physical styles for text


class, dir, id, lang, onClick, onDblClick, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, style, title

End tag

Never omitted



Used in


4.5.1 The < b > Tag

The < b > tag is the physical equivalent of the < stron > content-based style tag, but without the latter's extended meaning. The < b &gT tag explicitly boldfaces a character or segment of text that is enclosed between it and its corresponding end tag (< /b&gT). If a boldface font is not available, the browser may use some other representation, such as reverse video or underlining.

4.5.2 The < big > Tag

The < big &gT tag makes it easy to increase the size of text. It couldn't be simpler: the browser renders the text between the The < big &gT tag and its matching < /big &gT ending tag one font size larger than the surrounding text. If that text is already at the largest size, < big &gT has no effect. [< font &gT] Even better, you can nest < big &gT tags to enlarge the text. Each < big &gT tag makes the text one size larger, up to a limit of size seven, as defined by the font model.
Be careful with your use of the < big &gT tag, though. Because browsers are quite forgiving and try hard to understand a tag, those that don't support < big &gT often interpret it to mean bold.

4.5.3 The < i > Tag

The < i &gT tag is like the < em &gT content-based style tag. It and its necessary end tag (< /i &gT) tell the browser to render the enclosed text in an italic or oblique typeface.

4.5.4 The < small > Tag

the < small > tag decrease the size of text,If the enclosed text is already at the smallest size supported by the font model, < small &T has no effect.
As with < big &gT, you can nest < small &gT tags to sequentially shrink text. Each < small &gT tag makes the text one size smaller than the containing < small &gT tag, to a limit of size 1.

4.5.5 The < sub > Tag

The text contained between the < sub &gT tag and its < /sub &gT end tag gets displayed half a character's height lower, but in the same font and size as the current text flow. Both < sub &gT and its < sup &gT counterpart are useful for math equations and in scientific notation, as well as with chemical formul.

4.5.6 The < sup > Tag

The < sup &gT tag and its < /sup &gT end tag superscripts the enclosed text; it gets displayed half a character's height higher, but in the same font and size as the current text flow. This tag is useful for adding footnotes to your documents, along with exponential values in equations. In combination with the < a &gT tag, you can create nice, hyperlinked footnotes
The larval quat
weevil < a href="footnotes.html#note74" > < sup > < small > 74 < /small > < /sup > < /a >

run of the programme.

4.5.7 The < tt > Tag

the < tt &gT tag and its necessary < /tt &gT end tag direct the browser to display the enclosed text in a monospaced typeface.

4.5.8 The < u > Tag

This tag tells the browser to underline the text contained between the < u &gT and the corresponding < /u &gT tag. The underlining technique is simplistic, drawing the line under spaces and punctuation as well as the text.

4.5.9 Allowed Content

Any physical style tag may contain any item allowed in text, including conventional text, anchors, images, and line breaks. You can also combine physical style tags with other content-based tags.

4.5.10 Allowed Usage

Any physical style tag may be used anywhere an item allowed in text can be used. In general, this means anywhere within a document except in the < title >, < listing >, and < xmp > tags. You can use a physical style tag in a heading, but the browser will probably override and ignore its effect in lieu of the heading tag.

4.5.11 Combining Physical Styles

You will probably have better luck combining physical tags than you might have combining content-based tags to achieve multiple effects. For instance, Netscape renders the following in bold and italic typeface:
< b > < i > Thar she blows! < /i > < /b >

run of the programme.