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DRAGONS have existed through out time in myth and stories. In Western civilization, dragons were usually seen as evil creatures that would terrorize or hold a princess in a castle waiting to be rescued. The valiant knight would come in and slay the dragon and be declared the hero. In Asian culture, the dragons are deeply rooted into there culture, that they consider themselves descendants. Traditionally the dragons are considered as the governors of rain falls in Chinese culture. They have the power to decide where and when to have rain falls. The kings of the water dragons live in the dragon palaces under the oceans.


Nobody really knows where the dragon comes from. The dragon looks like a combination of many animals, such as a reptile, a snake, and alligator, and a lizard. There were all sorts of types. The ones that could fly had powerful bat like wings. Some had the the ability to breath fire and ice or either one or the other.

These are just pictures of Dragons that I found awesome.

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