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Christ the King College was founded by Rev. Fr. Edward Wasil, SJ in 1947 with the name Christ the King Academy. His main objective was to evangelized people through formal education. The institution since then became monumental of Roman Catholic education, it being a pioneering catholic in Gingoog.

The first infrastructure that was built was a one-story five-room wooden building which housed the high school in Gingoog.

Meanwhile, the social climate signaled the need for teacher. Thus, the Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education became the pioneering academic program offered in 1948.

Subsequently, believing in the premise that formation begins at the early age of the child, the Grade School was opened in 1950. As the education apostolate prospered, the need for religion and theology teachers emerged. The invitation of the late Archbishop James T.D Hayes, Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro City to the religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) Sisters in 1953 opened the era of RVM presence in Gingoog. The sisters started their mission through the teaching of religion and theology subjects.

The initial culmination of the efforts of the Jesuits came into the sight when the Complete Academic Secondary Level finally recieved Government Recognition in 1951, the BSEED Course in 1952 and the Grade School Department in 1955. It was also most significant to note that the pro-poor option of the Jesuits had gone beyond city boundaries. It was in the same year that St. Mary's Academy wa oppened at Lunao, Gingoog City, to cater to the poor students who cannot affod to commute to the city.

Through time, the transition of a young academy into a budding college has now become imperative. Curricular offerings continued to expand. Government recognition for Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Commercial Science (ACS) were respectively granted in 1955.

Interluding this period was the rekindling of the missionary spirit of the Jesuits to respond to the call of evangelization, hence, the turning over of the administration of Christ the King College to the Columban Fathers in 1956.

Taking the reigns of the first directorial job was the late Fr. William Adams, SSC. Like the Jesuits, the colombian painstakingly continued and enriched the pristine spirit and objective of the founder for (5) years. It was during this dispensation that the one-year Collegiate Secretarial Course was granted Government recognition in 1959 and the Bachelor of Secondary Education in 1961.

Due to the limited number of priests to manage both the school and the parish, the late Archbishop decides to give both the ownership and administration of CKC ans SMA to the RVM Congregation in 1961. From thence, the epoch of the RVM governance had begun.

The first RVM Directress was the Late Mother Maria Asuncion Chaves, RVM.

The decades of the 60's and 70's brought lights and shadows to the institution. It hurdled the impact of the city's economic slump and bounced back into liquidity level when its student population for both highschool and college reached unprecendented summit in the years 1964 to 1958.

The institution celebrated its Silver Jubilee in 1972. Despite the Martial Law regime, it had become a living symbol of Christian formation and has remained a stronghold of catholic commitment to community service..

November 1997 marked another jubilee year for the Christ the King College. This golden Jubilee was CKC's crowning glory. It was another historic sequel of redirection, another time for renewal of friendship; another opportunity for re-strengthening bonds of commitment to the community it leadership of previous administrators who gave their own notable contibutions to CKC; a sacremental moment of giving tribute to the dedicated teachers who contributed to its greatness; a stage for wholesome reunion among its graduates; and most of all, it is an epoch of alleluia to the almighty God.

The Occasion was highlighted by the successful cultural presentation depicting a historic repitition of the making of CKC through the years.

To this present day, the institution has continued to address the human resource needs not only for Gingoog City but also for Norther Mindanao and the country in general. Its curricular offerings are so designed to meet the needs of its clientele foe wholesome economics life ion third millennium. It offers Bachelor Of Science in Commerce (BSC), major in Management and Economics, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA), Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Administration (BSSA), major in Computer Secretarial Education, Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW), Two year Midwifery Course, Two year system Design and Computer Programming, and Special Internet and Computer Literacy Programs.

With the threshold of the third millennium at bay, CKC once again commits itself to thrive with a vibrant paradign of educational leadership, directed with a reformulated vission to sustain its relevance through the march of time. For as long as the amalgam of the Jesuits spirit of selfless leadership "to form men and women for others: the Columban idealism of "commuinty service" and the Ignacian social reform agenda of "preferential option for the poor" shall continue to ring through the air of CKC tradition, this Institution shall constantly be the bedlock of quality catholic education and forever be at the frontier of community service.