~*~Amber's site~*~

~*~Things I look for in a guy~*~

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Bio of Amber
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Dolls and Such
Brainerd Baptist Church

I am still attending Tennessee Temple Academy by the good graces of God. Umm...let's see. Hmm, Chrissy likes Steven. She had me tell Steven that she wants him to kiss her for her and now he's not really talking to her so I don't know what's going on there. Zoey dislikes me for some reason because, once again someone thinks I am going to steal their boyfriends!!, she thinks I am going to take Steven and Robert from her. Soooo annoying, people always think I am going to take their boyfriends when I have ABOSULUTELY NO INTEREST in them. Get a grip people, you know sometimes your boyfriends aren't as cute as you think they are. Grr, to think I would be interested in YOUR boyfriend anyways. PLEASE!! For those who have some sort of grudge against America, get over yourselves. I am so tired of hearing people saying, "Oh... America is acting all big and bad and they're stomping around trying to take over the world just for oil. America is just barging into other peoples lands for oil and blowing innocent people to bits." Whatever, you guys attacked us first. We are just defending ourselves. You don't expect us to just sit and and accept that stupid terrorists came in and killed THOUSANDS of people on September 11, 2001 and just don't do anything about it do you!? Millions of people across America were affected that day. We all lost family, friends, and heroes that day. We also gained heroes. We gained power to take on the world and not let those people die in vain. I am an American and I am proud of it. I stand tall and strong for my nation, my father who is in the Air Force and continually is sent to Iraq to fight, to protect, to serve. America is not a bully, America is a nation out to protect her people. I like the drums. Drums are cool man.
Thanks PixelBee.Net
Who gives you the right to judge me, are you God?
Hold your mouse over the "Stop judging me" blinkie. This blinkie is a reminder of all to not judge others because of their beliefs. I am a Christian and proud of it! Who are you to judge others anyhow?

P.S. Go to the links page to see the sites that i got most of this stuff from!