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TEAM Reminder

It's Time To Renew Your Membership for 2011

Tips for Health Care Workers Consider Your own Health Everytime. Here are 10 practical Tips to consider: 1. Seatbelts - it's not only for your own safety but it's the law. 2. Check the batteries in Smoke Detectors and the Carbon Monoxide Detectors in your home. Oh yeah, stop smoking. 3. Laughter is like a medicine - laugh often, lighten up, laugh at least once a day. 4. Water is essetial to life - drink it! Drink a lot of it. 5. Chewing food will help you live longer - it aids in digestion. 6. Exercise will prolong life. Just do it! 7. Monitor your food intake. Ask will this food help me or hurt me? 8. Take time for the 2 R's: rest and relaxation. 9. If you're married, communicate with your spouse - connect on a regular basis to reduce your own personal stress level. 10. Remember the Golden Rule applies in our work life, as well - When caring for others, ask yourself, "Is this the kind of care that I'd want my Mother to have?" Remember, if you take care of yourself, you'll be around longer to take care of others. (Taken from "Tips for Excellent Living" from The Excellence Series- CFFC - 2004)
