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Honolulu Marathon Website for Jason and Tara!

Help Us Run a Marathon!

About Diabetes

Are You At Risk?

Sponsor a Participant

Help the fight to find a cure for diabetes!

My name is Jason Brunt and recently my wife Tara and I have decided to make a few major changes in our lifestyle. Not long ago we heard about a group of people called "TEAM DIABETES". Team Diabetes is a National Program, started in 2000, whose goal is to raise funds for diabetes research, education, services, and advocacy. To date, it's participants have raised a total of over $4 million.

The participants do not only agree to raise funds, but also agree to train for and compete in one of five world-class marathons across the globe. This is no easy task!!!

Myself, a 26 year old male, (probably a few pounds over weight), am going to have to totally devote my life to one of healthier eating, strict training, and of course, lots of planning of fundraising events.

The minimum fundraising goal for the two of us is $12,000! This seems like a very large number, considering that we only have about 8 months to complete it(Honolulu Marathon Dec. 11th/2005), but we are devoted 100% and we feel that with the help of our friends, family, and community, we will not only meet our goal but far exceed it.

We will try to keep this website updated as to our progress, and to keep you aware of any information we feel relevant.

In closing, we are really excited to be a part of this fantasic organization, and are thrilled to be able to provide help to those who really need it. There are many people and families affected with diabetes in Canada, including ours, and we already feel a small sense of accomplishment. With every dontaion, no matter how big or small, we are one step closer to finding a cure!!!

More than 2 million Canadians have diabetes. By the end of the decade, this number is expected to rise to 3 million.

Approximately 80% of people with diabetes will die as a result of heart disease or stroke

In 2000 the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that over 177 million people have diabetes. By 2025, this figure will top 300 million.

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