<xmp> <body> </xmp> Hello I am Pradeep


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Hello I am Pradeep,branch C.S.E,chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Tech,hyderabad.

The TCS written test was held on 19th August,2003 and the interview was on the next day

These are my experiences about TCS pattern of exam.

The written exam was not as easy as it was potrayed in the sample papers of TCS
found on the net and obtained from other seniors.The pattern was the same,but
the standard of the exam was very high,especially for me as i did not prepare
for GRE.There were high-sounded words for synonyms.40% of them were of common
Critical reasoning,fill up the blanks....sections were trickish.I had to read them
atleast thrice to get an idea of what it contained.Quantitative was the easiest
section.I had a timeout for verbal section,so i left 2 of the words.

Anyway i heaved a sigh of relief when i was through the aptitude test

Written(Psychometric test)
The Psycho test consisted of 150 Q's,the same questions which u find in the sample
papers.But they were divided into 3 sections of 50 each.A few people of my college
overlooked this and answered only 1 section.
Anyway i answered only 140 of the Q's,as i already knew that the lowercutoff was 90
and uppercutoff was around 130(as i heard it from my seniors).
We were asked to leave the hall after the written exam.
The results were given for us after a timegap of 12hrs approx.
So again i am through!!!!!!!!!!!!
Out of 46 in my class ,18 of them were through the psycho test.
The next was to attend the interview.

Interview(Round 1)
There was a guy and a lady to interview me.
As soon as i entered they offered me chips for which i refused courteously.
When i was asked the reason,I said i had my tummy filled up outside as I was hungry.
They had my curriculum vitae with them and seeing my acads percentage appreciated me
for that.
Then the guy started with the Q's
1.Tell me about yourself?
When i started with my name,he interrrupted & asked me to tell something extra-curricular
I started to tell that i was the placement coordinator from cse branch,recently started to
learn how to assemble Pc's and blah,blah........I told this for about 6 min.

When asked for my areas of interest i said os,dbms,c++.
2.what is the difference between windows and linux?
windows regards i/o devices as devices and has device specific drivers,whereas linux
regards everything as files.Windows can be hacked in easily with viruses,linux has
a very strong built in antivirus which hasnt been hacked till date.The password encrypted
in linux hasnt been breaked,whereas in windows there a various techniques for breaking
the password.
3.What version of linux do u use?
Redhat linux-7.2 in home and slackware in college.
4.Why do u think windows is prone to viruses?
Windows is an os widely accepted and practiced throughout the world.Every program that is
written is done so that it is compatible with windows and virus is a program which manipulates
this code.So easy to hack windows-compatible programs.
5.How does linux handle deadlocks?
It just ignores it.The system hangs for a small period of time,but when the memory is freed
it resumes its execution.
6.Why do u think linux is gaining prominence day by day?
Windows programs are abstracted a lot so that the source code is not available to the users.
Linux is an os not built by some specific mnc.People all around the world contributed for
different softwares that linux has.Infact linux is a collection of s/w s contributed by people
Red hat and slacware etc comps just integrated these and are supplying to the public.
7.What are the internationally accepted dbms standards?
Dont know
8.Do u know about Boyce Codd rules?
No,I am not aware of those.
9.How many are Boyce Codd rules?
I am not aware
What are relational databases?
Tables which have some attribute in common.I explained him with an example.
10.Tell me what normal forms u know?
BCNF,3rd normal form,4th normal form,5th normal form,PJNF
11.Difference between BCNF and 3rd normal form.
I am not aware
12.What are the features of C++?
13.What is persistence?
I am not aware of that.
14.Do u think u will switch to java?
I have just started learinin java and i think i will switch.
Then the lady started to ask me
1. Pradeep,u seem to be an all-rounder?
Its for u to decide mam.
2.How do u think u are managing ur academics with extra-curricular activities?
I think my family supports me a lot.
//////*How may gfs do u have?How many do u think mam.
I dont think u would maintain more than five.
If u agree there will be 6 mam.*////////////This was the HR question in DEL for one
of my frenz*****///////////////////////////////////////////////
3.How mobile are u?
My mother is a bit apprehensive about my mobility,but she prefers my career more than that.
4.There is a package of 50k for a bond of 3 yrs?Will u accept that?
With pleasure
5.U will have to undergo medical examination once u get selected?Would u allow that?

Thats it they wished me best of luck.

As soon as I came out,I was told that I was qualified for the second round,but then it was
lunch time,I was supposed to come back at 2pm.

Interview(2nd round)
This inteview was completely on my HR skills.
1.What are ur best and worst moments in ur life?
Answered them(for 5 minutes)
2.What do u think u would do in TCS?
I dont know exactly.
3.What do u know about TCS?
Told some scrap.
4.If u are in TCS,what do u think u would be in the next 5 years?
Project manager
5.In the next 15 years?
He was surprised at this answer and saw me with awe.
6.How do ur frenz potray u as?
Hard working person.
7.Do u like programming?
My first preference is hardware trouble shooting and system programming,but as a fresher i dont
think i would be assigned such jobs.So I would do programming as well,but thats always my
secondary preference.

Then he asked me to pose a few Q's

How do u justify the uppercutoff in the psychometric test?
I cannot answer u this,its confidential.

Thats it guys.........................................Wish u all the best