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Been Screwed by EdgeCellular_com on eBay?

I too was once screwed by this seller. I got lucky, and was given my money back (thanks to PayPal). Even after that, I was so pissed with the lack of common respect that the seller had, that I decided I'd do something to help all those other people who've been screwed, and probably didn't know what to do (not to mention didn't get their money back).

First off, let me get a couple things straight. This site was created for no other reason than to INFORM. Anything you do with the information on this page is SOLELY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

Paid with PayPal?

Your first step would be to file a Dispute with them, and depending on your situation, you SHOULD get your money back (if you never received your item, and can prove it with a Tracking number given to you by Edge_Cellular). If you DID receive it, and have problems with the condition of the item, there isn't much you can do in terms of PayPal. However, there are other things you can do. Read on.

How can I contact EdgeCellular_com?

A good question. From the seller's feedback, it seems a lot of people don't even get a response to his eMails, which is horrible in my opinion. Those of you who did get a response will notice that he signes his eMails as "Yan B.". He's smart (at least, he thinks so). He doesn't give you his full name. ARGGHHHhhh, how aggravating. Notice, however, that this eBay seller has his own Domain Name! This can be useful! Why? Well, when you sign up for a domain name, you have to give contact info - you really don't have to be honest, but most people are, because they want webmasters and the like to be able to contact them, if neccesary. This contact information for a domain name is publically available for viewing, free of charge. I suggest you visit one of these FREE Domain Name Registrant Information Lookup Sites:

What do you put in the lookup fields? Just put in! Once you get the Registrant Information for, you'll find out what Yan B.'s REAL NAME is! HOT DAMN! You're making headway! Now that you've got his name, you could try searching for it on Yahoo! Give it a shot. Suprisingly, you'll find out that our friend has his own website - BESIDES! This is where things get AWESOME. On his site, you'll find out not only what kind of car he drives, you'll also find his PERSONAL RESUME, which provides both his HOME ADDRESS, and HOME PHONE NUMBER! Unbelievable.

Better Business Bureau?

Wouldn't it be nice if this guy actually was signed up with the Better Business Bureau? That WOULD be nice! But come on, a guy THIS smart would NEVER sign up with the BBB, especially with the way he treats his customers. No one in their right mind would do both, RIGHT? Wrong. Again, if you visit, you'll notice he uses a DBA, which is basically the same thing as AKA (also known as), except it's for businesses. His DBA most obviously is "Unified Distributors Inc." This won't do much for you, but it'll help in making sure that WHEN you report him to the Better Business Bureau, you've got the right guy. As you found out before, our friend Yan runs his business out of Glenview, IL. If you mapquest that city, you'll find out it's not too far from Chicago! Well, it's doubtful the dainty little town of Glenview has it's own BBB, so well check out the Chicago's BBB site, and see if anything turns up.

Amusing music on their page isn't it? It's almost like a Victory song, played in tune to your Victory Parade! Congratulations, you've come far. Now keep on truckin'. Lets have you click the link entitled "Filing a Complaint." Read what it says, and then on the bottom of the page click the link entitled "HERE." Please read what it says there, and if you have tried to contact EdgeCellular (which, if you're here I'm sure you have already), I guess you can go ahead and proceed. Click the button, "Next." This page shows the five steps of starting an online complaint process. Read it, and then click "Next." Now you'll chose the type of complaint. Choose whatever applies to you (you should be able to figure this out). Click Next when you're done choosing. Next up is the page where you need some help. I searched for tons of stuff, "Edge Cellular", "Unified Distributors" ... I searched for everything, and found nothing. Before you give up, try using the "URL begins" option, and in the search field put in "Edge" Don't forget to put in Glenview, IL, or you'll get a million results. Hit search, and there you go: "Unified Distributors d.b.a"

The only thing I ask in return is that you let me know if this page has helped you (and in what way - what did you do, what happened?)

Please sign the guestbook below, and let me know! I appreciate it!

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That's it. That's all I know. Granted, if EdgeCellular ever sees this page, he'll probably remove all that private information he's got on the internet, but who knows. Until then, it's all out there for you to find. All I did was help you along a little. I never gave you any information you couldn't have found on your own.

I hope this page has helped you, and I hope you get as much money back as you can (assuming you deserve it).