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All of us has an identity, it is the way we percieve ourselfs and the way we present ourselfs to the world. Or the way society sees us.
Purple hair, pierced lips, armani business suits, it varies with each individual.
This is called our social identity.
Many people are judged by the way they look. It can be difficult for people who do not fit into societies norm. To be validated.
So society has found new ways for people to interact to find validation and to be accepted. Cyberspace is this tool.
Cyberspace offers you an opportunity to understand yourself in a better way.
It offers people different ways to present themselves.
This is facinating because in a persons day-to-day life they may lack confidence. So they go online and become Conran the viking, rampaging though a 3D viking world, brandashing a sword and rescuing towns from destruction. Online Conran is viewed by others as fierce and fearless. The fact that Conran who's real name is bob , might be awkward and shy, and unsightly, other gamers will never know him as this.
This is called Roleplay. This game may in face help Bob, by developing within him the qualities needed to play Conran. By acting out this role, Bob may in fact develop more confidence within himself.