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"Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the
operation of life."
                           -George Bernard Shaw
Do Something
Actions to Change a Child’s Life
By Susan

More Parent Involvement
    Parent involvement is crucial to a child’s life, especially during their
adolescence. When a parent is involved in a child’s life, that child is less likely to be
pressured into drugs and alcohol by their peers. The more involved a parent is a
child’s self-esteem will increase which will result in less actions that are not
influenced by others. If a parent is not a clean and or sober, the child increases
their chance for drinking as they follow their parent’s foot-steps.

More Education About Drinking
    Giving information to students about drinking at an early age will more prepare
them against peer pressure. When a student has exposure to the affects of
alcohol, it will lessen their interest of drinking. The student will then realize how
alcohol will affect them socially, intellectually, and physically. Socially, a child will
enter the wrong crowd and will affect them in the long run. Who they surround
themselves now will result in how they conflict themselves with others they love
and also to themselves. If their peers are drinking and doing drugs, they will most
likely do the same because they don’t want to be an outsider. They will also begin
to decrease school and family involvement. Intellectually, they will decrease their
mentality. Alcohol does destroy brain cells. Physically, it will affect their liver, heart,
and physical shape. They will begin to feel bloated, heavier, and also slower.
Alcohol, especially beer is high in calories and will result in a big tummy.

More Involvement with the School, Community, and Within the Family
    Being involved with the school, community, and within the family will decrease a
child to be involved with alcohol. They will feel less pressure to drink because they
have responsibilities to uphold. Not being sober will result in tasks being unfulfilled,
disappointing and letting down supervisors as well as your peers. Someone who is
responsible will understand how drinking will conflicts with their mentality.

Secure and Safe "hang-out" Spots for Teenagers
     Many teenagers drink because there is absolutely nothing to do. Boredom is a
problem within cities that have no where to hang out. Cities that do not have safe
environments for teenagers to hang out at, results in majority of the teenagers
drinking because they have parties to substitute their boredom. Cities should then
create locations specifically for teens and that do not have exposures of alcohol.
Pool halls without bars and also parties supervised by parents and staff members
after dances like grad night will help decrease the number of teenage drinking.

Decrease Promotions of Alcohol on the Media
     Decreasing promotions of alcohol on television, radio, and magazines will
lessen the exposure to teens. Teenagers’ entertainments are these three basic
media. If alcohol and or drugs are promoted through these medias, in some minds
that is a “cool” thing to do. Much adolescence is pressured into the way of society.
If it is promoted through media, that means it is seen through society as the thing
to do. Teenagers will then drink for they see it socially accepting.
This sexy site was created by the likes of Helen N., Naresh S., Susan J., and Patrick T. with no thanks to those f***tards at SBC who made me pay
$11.00 to post this S***.
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