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Well everybody, I'm very excited this year as I had the chance to actually do a custom and present it to the person it was going to! This was no ordinary person, we all know him from his short lived roll as a Sith Lord apprentice, to the long tongued Toad in the X-Men and to his current roll of Snake Eyes in the G.I.JOE movie hitting in August! That's right everyone, the person I'm talking about is RAY PARK!!!
When I heard he was going to be attending our Sci-Fi and Comic Expo here in Calgary again, I decided then and there that this was a once in a life time chance to do a custom for a movie star and be able to actually present it to him. So after about 15 hours of work on him I finally completed my Snake Eyes (Movie Version) for Ray Park. Even though he has been done for months I just could no wait to give it to Ray and it was done yesterday, 04/25/09!
This presentation was a special moment in my life that I will never forget! I had asked Ray if anyone has ever done something like this for him  and his reply was " No, no fan has done something like this for me before." We chatted a bit as to how long it took, what I did to make it and so on but, probably the icing on the cake for me was he said, " This was going right next to his Snake Eyes helmet on his desk at home." (I hope he can send me a picture of that, it would be very cool!). All I can say about Ray, is that this guy is a top notch guy and cares about every single fan that comes in front of him, he goes that little extra every time just to make sure his fans leave with a smile on there face and a moment they will never forget!
SO Ray, I went that little extra to try and send you on your way with a smile on your face and a moment that I will never forget!
This is Ray Park holding his custom of Snake Eyes and myself. Soon after this I had to go sit down. One of those moments you think your going to pass out but, I know CPR, oops just wait, that would be hard to administer to myself! Ha Ha Ha!
This is the final version of Snake Eyes in display case, what is in this photo is what I presented to Ray. Instead of leaving the G.I.JOE logo all silver from the movie, I changed it a little to have some of the comic logo in it as well. So the "STAR" was changed to the good 'ol Red, White and Blue!
Snake Eyes here was made from a DC Direct Nova figure. The head is a DCD Red Arrow head. The hands came from a ML FO Punisher and the feet came from a ML Bullseye. The gun, holster and ammo pouches came from a DCUC Terminator figure. The chest knife came from a DCD terminator figure and the ninja sword is from an unknown source. The head (to an exstent), visor, chest, abs, pants, wrist - forearm bands and boot designs were all sculpted.
This is the final piece before it went into the display case. I tried to have this custom come with all the bells and whistles. It was so hard to find any good pictures on the net that actually showed a full body shot! Notice the removable visor. I added on a side pouch after the WIP's were taken as I knew I forgot something.
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