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These two Iron Spiders were made from Spiderman Origins Iron Spiderman figures. The heads are swappable. The unmasked heads were made from a resin cast of ML Human Torch. Michael and Patrick are apparently 2 of 4 clones.

Captain Terror

Captain Terror was made from a Hasbro ML Quicksilver. Head was shaved down and the mask was sculpted over. The neck bandana, belt and glove cuffs were sculpted as well.

The Patriot


The Patriot was made from a ML Iron Fist. The head was a shaved down ML Ant Man and then sculpted. The eagle emblem, belt and glove cuffs were sculpted as well.

                    The Spirit of 76'


The Spirit of 76' was made from a DCUC Shazam. The hat, mask and collar were sculpted and the cape came from a DCUC Mr. Miracle.

                     Balder the Brave


Balder the Brave was made from a ML Sentry. Head gear, gloves, belt and boots were sculpted. The capes were from unknown sources.

                  Praxadora Version 2


Praxadora was made from a ML Elektra figure. The head gear, back pack, body wrappings, shoulder pads, gloves and boots were all sculpted.

                       Typhoid Mary


Typhoid Mary was made from a DCUC Wonder Woman. All straps on the body and jacket sleeves were sculpted. Swords were from an unknown source and all nudity is privy to the owner of this piece.

             Gladiator - Battle Damaged


This battle damaged Gladiator was made from a Hasbro ML Doc Samson. The mow hawk is from a DCUC Ares figure, the hair base was sculpted. All uniform tears and the emblem was sculpted.

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