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RACHEL - 2/5/04 - 4:55 p.m - No school tomorrow!! wooo!! And what kind of answer was that, Val? It was like.. 2 sentances long. I am going to add more pages! QUIZ PAGES!!! DUN Dun dunnnnnnnn. And pictures ones too. And maybe even bio's ^.^ fun fun. It's Potter Puppet Pals!! BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER!! Alas, a cornacopia of love!!!

VALERIE - 2/2/04 - 8:52 p.m - 'llo! I'm writing like Rachel said I had to. God Rachel you're such a slut. I can't believe you. I hope it burns your soul……er……..AVADA KEDAVRA! Oh, dear………

RACHEL - 2/2/04 - 7:14 p.m- Just got home from Starbucks with Sarah and Val. Saw Joey's site and remembered me an Val had one, so look i'm updating! I gots my dig-i cam, OH! So now I can puts video clippage on to make the site not so boring! Pfft. Anways, I gots to get Val to start writing. This is her site too, i mean, GEEZ! Can you say lazy? Valerie you are a whore.

RACHEL - 1/5/04 - 2:30 a.m- Ok. I will admit that I have no clue what i'm doing. It's 2:03 a.m. and I keep hearing squirrals in my closet. Maybe I should explain to you why I am wasting my time with a website. Right now. It is in fact because, it is not only MY website, it is Valeries website too. Who is Valerie you ask. Or maybe you don't care. Or maybe your wondering who I am. Or maybe you don't care; But chances are you have accidently stumbled upon this site, or you know either me or Val, so I shouldn't have to explain anything to you. I am simply writing right now to take up space, and to make it look like I know what I am talking about. The truth is I have the I.Q of an apple; But do you care? Not really.


Foamy. I know you can't resist the squirral...
Home to the Almighty Johnen. I think...
STRONG BAD BABAY!!! uh.. I mean... homestar runner...
Spilling your guts is exactly as charming as it sounds. Go ahead, read my journal.
Val's journal. Yes, it's just as frightening as mine.
