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7/14/2003 Set up 30 gallon long and filled with treated water.
I seeded this tank with half of a cup of gravel from my established 10 gallon tank.
7/15/2003 I added 5-Glo-Lite Tetras to cycle the tank.
7/16/2003 I added 3 aponogeton plants that were originally growing in my 10 gallon tank.
7/21/2003 I added 2 unsprouted aponogeton bulbs.
7/28/2003 I added 1-Elegan's Cory from the 10 gallon tank to the 30 gallon long.
7/31/2003 10% water change
8/2/2003 I added 1-Trilineatus Cory from the 10 gallon to the 30 long.
8/5/2003 I added 1-Trilineatus Cory from the 10 gallon to the 30 long.
8/9/2003 I added 1-Trilineatus Cory from the 10 gallon to the 30 long.
8/10/2003 10% water change.
I added 1-Panda Cory from the 10 gallon to the 30 long.
8/11/2003 Purchased and began to quarantine 2-Clown Loaches.