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April 26, 2004

New date? Yes. Anything new on the site? No... Argh! My backspace key gets stuck all the time! Kind of annoying when writing these lines...and various other homework assignments. Well, this site has been like...dead...for a long time now, but I haven't got many better things to do, so I guess I'll start working on it again...Come to think of it, I don't really play Halo anymore, so the guides are long outta date, I s'pose.

April 5, 2004

I've been on some kind of ski-vacation or something, so I haven't done anything with the site in a long time, and I still haven't found an easy way to implement a poll. I'll keep looking, but for the next few days I am at a LAN! :D

March 23, 2004

Not much updated today. Oh, and I will add a poll ASAP... just have to learn how to do it!

March 22, 2004

I've lazy today. Haven't really had time to update. Too many homework assignments I hafta do. By the way, I didn't know "Wartex" was a wart-removal chemical or whatever, if anyone noticed this :-) .

March 21, 2004

Added the first Halo tutorials. Updated the buttons on the left. Added the extremely cool text "Navi-Gate"! Man...that is cool!

Update: ARGH! When i saved my 2nd Halo tutorial, i overwrote the first one! Nothing else to do but rewrite it now...

March 20, 2004

Hah! Just HAD to do this. it's only a few minutes since the last post. Clock is 0:04 at the moment. Uhmm...well...bye!

March 19, 2004

Hi, and welcome to my site! This is my first site, and I haven't really thought out what to have here. Just thought it would be cool to have my own site :-) .

Anyway, I will post some stuff on this site, eventually. Stuff like 3D studio max tutorials, and more. You probably think that i'm obsessed with blue, but I am not...just decided that blue would be a fitting color for my page.


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