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Vincent's Time Capsule

"More nightmares shall come to me now more than I previously had"

This is where you will find things about Vincent: his past, present .. and future?

Also things that are hidden deep inside him , will be revealed about this poor man.

Feel free to look around, and remember him ... for he is all alone in this new world ... where his past comes alive and haunts his mind for all eternity.

If you have pictures, stories, or poems you can email them to me and label the subject as: Pic/Story/Poem (etc) for Vincent's Time Capsule. By that I will know what it is for and will post it once I have some free time.



(11/28/03)Chapter one of my story is still in the process of being uploaded, and 2 will soon follow.

(12/20/03)Chapter one is halfway done! YAY! ... my computer decided to not load the disk that my story was on, so now I have to type every single word ..... >.< .... sorry for the inconvience

(12/25/03)YAY! I finally got all of Chapter one up!!! *wipes sweat from forehead* Now I will start on Chapter 2 .. and I hope that it wont take this long in between the next chapters .....

(12/26/03)Chapter 2 is up and ready to read! I got my disk fixed that had these chapters on it ^^. I am doing the final touches on Chapter 3, so it should be ready soon.

(1/1/04)Chapter 3 is up and plus if you already read it, more stuff has just been added. Chapter 4 will take a little longer since I am stll working on it, but I might go ahead and put what I have so far up.

(3/2/04)Gomen for taking so long to put up my story ... I have a very bad case of writers block >.<. But I just uplaoded more of Chapter 4, and in the process of writing more. *chisling at the huge block before her .... small peices falling to the ground* u.u'

(4/6/04)More of 4 is up now ^^ And might be ending soon, for I am running out of 'past' ideas


Please return for more updates, and sorry for taking so long in bringing my story and other things in line ....

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