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Happy 18th Birthday Paul

Paul Upham is 18 years old on 30th August 2003. 

Here we'd like to recognise his achievements so far and wish him all the best for his adult life.

Yes folks that sweet little boy has grown into a...... well he's certainly grown into something

Here he is with his charming family ..down the pub usual!!


Notable Moments From His Life so Far

(Click on an image to enlarge)

The Early Years

phot0001S.jpg (35178 bytes)   Yes this crinkled prune became the fine figure of a man we see today. 

phot0004S.jpg (21957 bytes)   Ah yes,  that famous dress sense started at an early age!

phot0005S.jpg (57526 bytes)    ..and those charming table manners....

phot0012S.jpg (72714 bytes)  Temper, temper..  phot0011S.jpg (70428 bytes)    Time to cool down


The Wild Years

phot0010S.jpg (69392 bytes)           phot0013S.jpg (75742 bytes)

Always proud of his new friends....... and his ability to eat strange things...

phot0015S.jpg (41101 bytes)     And then there was the Flip Flop Fetish Phase...


The Wilder Years

phot0021S.jpg (66979 bytes)        phot0020S.jpg (39787 bytes)

More of a general footwear fetish, obviously,  and not just a phase. All part of that wonderful dress sense we mentioned that extends to hats too.

 phot0023S.jpg (51339 bytes)   Always the shy retiring type


The Thoughtful Years

phot0024S.jpg (68452 bytes)   After prom night its time to look to the consider career options: 


phot0017S.jpg (33712 bytes)   phot0022S.jpg (107395 bytes)  phot0016S.jpg (48646 bytes)     PinLimoS18th.jpg (34080 bytes)    PandDiNiagara1.jpg (25737 bytes)     

Maybe The PM needs some help? Run away with the circus?  Learn to fly ? International rock star riding in a limo with his babes? Touring with the Blues Brothers at Niagara Falls?


What about being a fashion model?   He always had the dress sense?

     PandDiNiagara2.jpg (37590 bytes)             PCDNiagara.jpg (128505 bytes)

Modeling designer raingear at Niagara Falls with Big Bird. Still into the sexy footwear Paul?

And then there is nude modeling. As a birthday treat for all his fans click here to see an example of Paul modeling naked:

 *** Adults Only! ***


phot0019S.jpg (50215 bytes)   Its just too exhausting thinking about work. Time to relax with a friend


The Future Years

Wherever you go and what ever you do Paul. We'll always be glad we know and love you. 

Best wishes for everything that lies ahead from all your family and friends.




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Last modified: August 11, 2003