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Triforce Central Chat

Triforce Central Chat Rules

Before entering the chat please read over these rules.


1. No swearing

2. No spamming (This includes links to sites/chats that do not pertain to zelda, or a project of yours)

3. No threatening other users with hacks, virises, nukes, or DDOS.

4. No senseless babbling.

5. No user-activated scripts (i.e. someone types !pie and you automatically say "pie? where!?"

6. No begging for Op or Voice status ( @ or + )

7. Stick to your forum name. If you do not visit TCF, pick an appropriate name and state that you do not visit it.

8. No vulgar, explicit, or sexually suggestive ascII art.

9. Ops decisions are final. Do not back-talk, or you will be kicked, or banned.

10. No encryption scripts


Thank you for reading these rules and we hope to see you in the chat real soon :)

Right now all we offer is an mIRC chat. If you don't have it click on the get mIRC at the bottom.

mIRC Chat! | Get mIRC!