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« Roleplay Title »
Who's The First Victim?
« Mission »
To Destroy All TWATSE Members and Protect the life of One Member
« Next Match »
The T-800 vs. ???
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None Yet
-[: The screen opens up as it shows some clips of recent events of the TWATSE. Then, the screen scrambles up and shows highlights of the recent Terminator 3:Rise of the Machines Movie. Then he screen scramble back to the events of the TWATSE. They fade, then it shows the TWATSE Intro Video. The video ends and show the stage with fireworks blasting up from the stage and from the ceiling. The fireworks end and the camera sees the fans screaming and cheering for their favorite wrestlers. They hold up their signs as the camera zooms in on interesting ones. The camera then shows Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler sitting at their commentator's table. :]-

- Good Ol' Jim Ross - Sorry for that technical error folks, well, while we are on the subject, Terminator 3:Rise of the Machines are in theaters now. But lets talk about the TWATSE. Rhyno I guess has refused any part of Trish Stratus' managerial services!

- The Great Jerry "The King" Lawler - I don't know Rhyno would do that! Trish Stratus is hot! I think I should smack Rhyno for doing such a thing!

-[: But then all of a sudden the lights go out and the TitanTron gets scrambly. Then it shows a battleground with robots and machine guns in their hands as the fans are confused. :]-

-[: Then a man's voice is heard of the P.A. System. :]-

- Mystery Man - Judgment Day is coming. No one will stop it. A machine has been sent back in time to terminate the world of professional wrestling. That machine is known as....The Terminator!

-[: The Terminator Theme plays as the fans are in shock. The TitanTron then scrambles up and shows an exploded parking lot, with The Terminator himself. :]-

-[: He walks around looking at the carnage. He begins to speak. :]-

- The Professional Wrestling Terminator - This parking lot is the TWATSE parking lot they were just in. My mission, destroy anything resembling to Professional Wrestling, Save One Member, then Self Terminate. Until my mission is completed, nobody is safe. The citizen who will be protected by me, will be announced after I terminate one wrestler. One foolish wrestler who thinks they can defeat a machine from the future, the T-800. No friends, no teams, nobody alongside except for the person I must protect. I was sent from the member to destroy his/her enemies. I am not The Terminator in your so called movies. The movies are real, the characters are real. Judgment Day is here, and I am leading it. Taking more than one is prohibited. As soon as I protect the life of the Wrestling Member, and defeat/terminate all wrestlers, I shall self-destruct immediately. The world will be destroyed when self-termination occurs. That means, no one is safe, no one will walk out alive in Professional Wrestling. However, all that the world will be destroyed equals professional wrestling dieing and not occuring. I am not the Human Terminator. I shall leave and find the member I must protect the life of from all enemies. Any wrestler who attacks him/her, shall be automatically terminated/attacked. End transmission.

-[: The TitanTron turns black, but then goes back to the parking lot. The Terminator walks off then an instant explosion occurs in the parking lot. :]-

-[: The Terminator's voice is heard over the P.A. System. :]-

- The Professional Wrestling Terminator - A Challenge is made to any wrestler. Your Judgment Day, is coming!

-[: The screen fades. :]-